The pre-holiday bustle in the form of organizing New Year's Eve, working out the image and evening dress, choosing gifts for relatives and friends charges with a special mood. The ritual of giving gifts on the most magical night of the year makes the holiday especially enjoyable.

Step 1
Determine how you feel about the person to whom you want to make a present. Gifts to a colleague, beloved husband, child or girlfriend will be completely different, including in semantic meaning. It is customary to give romantic gifts to close people - to a spouse or girlfriend, because you have the most tender feelings for them. If you are pleased to communicate with a friend or girlfriend, then with a gift you will express your gratitude for the fact that a person exists in your life. A present to a colleague can turn into a routine duty (a New Year's souvenir), and an offering to the boss (a solid gift) is a kind of "bribe", that is, in a good sense, this is an aspiration to appease the boss.
Step 2
Don't give the same gifts. Even if you do not have time to choose between surprises, you should not buy absolutely identical trinkets, guided by the principle of buying at least something (inconvenient with empty hands, etc.). Use universal sets - sweets, a bottle of good wine, a can of coffee, etc. With a little effort, your offerings will look varied, but will not make you any less delicious.
Step 3
Surprises should be prepared in advance. A month before the New Year's celebration, think over which of your entourage you would like to surprise. Intangible gifts are usually valued higher and are remembered longer - video greetings, a live butterfly, a disc with your favorite tunes, etc.
Step 4
Consider tastes and preferences. You probably know what a person has a hobby, how he likes to dress, what he is fond of - from these data you should build on when choosing a New Year's gift. For music lovers, rare records will suit, and if you can't get them, then just get a new album of your favorite artist. Gourmets will love the gourmet basket, travel lovers will love the guidebook, etc. If you are not aware of a person's preferences, then just present something universal - a package of scented candles, a figurine, a cake, a photo frame, etc.
Step 5
Make it easier for yourself to choose presents. Gather all the wishes in advance - you can do it directly and openly, or you can observe the person (accidentally dropped phrases, interest, etc.). Make a list and go shopping - so you are guaranteed to get the right thing and please your loved ones.