How To Make The Holiday Fun

How To Make The Holiday Fun
How To Make The Holiday Fun

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Any celebration is not complete without entertainment. Guests who gather at the festive table are waiting not only for refreshments, but also for contests, competitions, prizes. What kind of fun it will be depends both on the scale of the holiday and on the invited guests.

How to make the holiday fun
How to make the holiday fun


Step 1

Decide in advance on the format of the celebration. Make a list of invited guests and estimate how big the company is going.

Step 2

Think about where you will celebrate the holiday. Decide if it will be a cafe, restaurant, banquet hall, or just your apartment. You must know in advance what kind of room you will have.

Step 3

If the celebration involves a large number of guests (for example, you are going to celebrate a wedding day or anniversary), then you can use the services of a toastmaster. Agree in advance with the host about a meeting, discuss with him the program, contests, prizes and how exactly to present them to the guests.

Step 4

Choose a cafe, restaurant or club for your celebration, which will play music that satisfies the preferences of most of the invited guests. Often in such institutions, various competitions are held as part of the evening program.

Step 5

At the festive table, invite your guests to play "burima". To do this, you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Just write a phrase on a piece of paper, then pass the piece to one of the guests. He will have to pick up a rhyme for this phrase. Next, you need to fold the sheet so that the next guest can only see the last phrase, for which you need to choose a rhyme. Thus, all guests will take part in writing the poem. Unfold the leaflet, read your collective creation aloud. It usually turns out to be very funny.

Step 6

If you celebrate a holiday at home, in a small family circle or with close friends, run some simple contests dedicated to the theme of the celebration. On the Internet, you can find a large number of scenarios for each specific holiday (for example, New Year or birthday).

Step 7

Play pantomime with the guests. This is a game in which the presenter makes a word and shows it to the team without any sounds. The one who guessed the word becomes the leader, and the game continues.

Step 8

Do not forget that the key to a happy holiday is a good company and a festive mood. Therefore, celebrate it with joy and bring joy to your guests.
