Traditions are gradually returning, and now discos, as well as other dance parties, cannot be compared with real magnificent balls. At such balls, there are all the attributes of the times when they were the main opportunity for social events for ladies and acquaintance with the fair sex for gentlemen. The current balls are no less luxurious, and everyone who loves to dance and, like a fish in water, feels in an atmosphere of universal fun, wants to attend them. Today in Moscow there are a lot of various balls to which the light of society is invited. How to get to such celebrations?

Step 1
At one of the most grandiose balls - the Vienna Ball, debutantes are expected to take part. Young girls between the ages of 18 and 22 traditionally open the ball. True, to be one of them, you need to be able to perfectly dance ballroom dances, namely the left-sided waltz.
Step 2
Of course, the easiest way to go to a ball is to get an invitation to such an event. However, as a rule, most of these events are held for charitable purposes, and accordingly, invitations to such dances are very expensive. If you are not constrained in funds, then the invitation can always be purchased via the Internet, as well as in free sale.
Step 3
Some balls, for example, the traditional Pushkin Ball, held at the A. S. Pushkin, suggest not a very large number of those present. Accordingly, tickets are distributed exclusively through the various organizations associated with this event. Therefore, it is not very easy to get to such a celebration.
Step 4
You can, of course, get an invitation through friends, for example, try to get a journalist's ID. At some celebrations, representatives of the press are admitted without invitation. A periodical photographer's ID may also work.
Step 5
However, do not forget that attending the ball implies being in line with the style of the event. That is, for women, a ball gown is required, for men - appropriate suits. Without such equipment, you will hardly be able to get to the ball.
Step 6
And of course, those wishing to be at a real ball must be able to dance, otherwise all the charm of the ball will remain unattainable. At balls, as a rule, waltzes, mazurka, square dance and other dances characteristic of the times of balls are danced. So, being among the lucky ones, try to present yourself in all its glory.