Shabbat is an invaluable gift that has been given to us by the Almighty. From ancient times to the present, the Jewish people honor traditions and refrain from working on this day. This is due to the fact that for six days the Most High created and changed the world, and in the seventh he sanctified it. Shabbat begins at sunset Friday and ends at sunset Saturday.

Shabbat Laws in Judaism
Saturday is the time when every Jew can draw close to God and spend time with his family. The most important attributes on Shabbat are lighting candles, two challahs, and kosher wine.
18 minutes before sunset on Friday, a woman should light Shabbat candles, pronouncing a blessing on the Creator. From this moment until the sun goes out on Saturday, 39 types of "labor" cannot be carried out, including lighting and extinguishing a fire. After the woman has lit the candles, the men go to the synagogue for the Mincha, Shabbat and Maariv prayers.
Before the start of the meal, in the preparation of which the owner of the house should participate, they say kiddush (consecration) over a glass of wine and wash their hands. After pronouncing the blessing, the head of the family cuts the challah where he made a "mark" and dips a piece in salt, eats and slices the rest. Each family member should eat a slice of challah. Then you can start, in fact, to the meal, consisting of a variety of delicious dishes. Most often, on the Shabbat table there is a large number of salads, cold snacks, chicken broth, fish dishes and sweets. After sunset on Saturday, havdala is said over a glass of wine - a special prayer that separates Saturday from coming weekdays.
Some Jews who grew up in non-religious families believe that in modern times, keeping the Sabbath laws is little possible. The Almighty, having given us the tradition of celebrating the Sabbath, made sure that all Sabbath affairs were resolved without our participation. Try not to break the Shabbat commandments at least once, and you will understand how important this is. Observing the Sabbath, we not only rest spiritually and physically, but also keep in touch with the Almighty.
What should you do on Shabbat?
Saturday is given to us so that we think about something deep, important and special. On this day, it is important not to quarrel with family and friends, but to unite and rejoice together. Meeting Saturday provides an opportunity to learn about all the good things that happened in the previous week. You can not only communicate and dream, but also sing. Forget about the worries that surround you in everyday life, Shabbat is a time of relaxation and tranquility.
Observing the Sabbath commandments, a person expresses his faith in the Creator and recognizes that besides material values, there are high spiritual pursuits in the world. The Creator gave the ability to distinguish holy thoughts from secondary and everyday ones - an essence that every believer should understand.