The original birthday is a holiday of childhood. Birthdays replace each other from year to year, bringing us new, unforgettable impressions, joy and smiles. Birthday is a sad holiday, someone will say. And that would be a mistake. After all, you need to be happy for yourself, and not be sad about the past. The more a person rejoices for himself, the more internal strength and health he has. So it is imperative to be happy on your birthday, this is how you will be original when you can be happy just like that.

It is necessary
Savvy, desire
Step 1
It's very good to have an unusual birthday party. Masterfully design a gift card (made by hand or purchased), in it, come up with and write a fairy tale about the birthday girl. In which it is beautiful to paint what a good girl she grew up and how wonderful she became. Having matured, how successful and beautiful she became, and then tell what awaits her in the future. Once the evil bald boss found a good leader in her and decided to appoint her as his own deputy, and after a certain period - as the director of his new company, "… married a wonderful prince in a red Ferrari, and so on."
Step 2
After that, a friend should look out the window and see a limousine there. From the limousine, she must understand what exactly this limousine is waiting for her. After she goes down to the car, release a bunch of balloons and congratulate her on her birthday.
You roll around the city looking at old photographs. You can go to the rides, go for a swing and eat cotton candy and remember your childhood (at this time a photographer is taking pictures of you, whom the birthday girl should not see).
Step 3
When you get tired of all this, then go to a pre-booked sauna, restaurant, home (at your discretion). When entering the room, blindfold your friend and open the door. And there is a laid table, in the circle of those closest and dear to her. Already at the event, arrange a pillow fight, bursting of inflated balloons with confetti, or sweets.