As a rule, a wedding planner is a laborious and responsible process. Here it is important not to miss a single trifle and take into account a lot of different nuances. In principle, marriage agencies that specialize in this can simplify the preparation for the wedding. But not every couple in love will entrust such a responsible matter to third parties. There are some important tips to follow to keep your wedding preparations running smoothly.

The most important thing in wedding preparation is to draw up a so-called wedding budget. It is necessary to calculate all the approximate costs, as well as determine from which sources this or that budget will be taken, necessary to cover the wedding celebration. The registration date should be determined no later than 4-6 months before the celebration. If a couple in love wants to hold a wedding ceremony on their wedding day, it is necessary to seek help from the Orthodox wedding calendar. The fact is that not all days are equally favorable for a wedding.
You should be aware that usually an application for marriage registration is submitted no earlier than 2 months before its registration. This is done at the local registry office. The application specifies the details of the bride and groom, as well as the desired date of registration. If there is a desire to perform a wedding ceremony on the day of the wedding, then at the same time you should start looking for a suitable church, talk with the clergyman in charge of the wedding ceremonies, and also set a date and pay a cash deposit. You should also talk to potential witnesses (the groom's friend and the bride's friend), asking them for this favor.
Do not forget about the development of a scenario for the buyback of the bride. In addition, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the choice of the musical composition intended for the final dance of the young.
If your plans include a grand wedding celebration, then it's time to start looking for a suitable establishment - a restaurant, cafe, tavern, etc. Do not forget about the photographer and videographer who will be able to immortalize the wedding celebration in good memory. It is also necessary to think over the festive decoration of the rented premises - balloons, ribbons, posters, firecrackers. If you want to stand out, you can order a wedding cortege, consisting of a limousine (for the bride and groom) and other cars (for guests). You can also use purely personal transport.
You should start looking for a wedding dress and suit as early as possible. If, in principle, there is nothing difficult with the search for a suit for the groom, then sometimes it is very difficult to find the desired wedding dress. If you can't find the dress you're looking for at your local bridal shop, visit online stores that offer a wide variety of bridal clothing. In advance, you need to purchase wedding rings. 3 weeks before registration, you need to draw up a final list of guests invited to the wedding by preparing invitation cards. Invitations are sent by mail or delivered personally.
The bride needs to focus on finding a good hairdresser and make-up artist, choosing the right hairstyle for the wedding, deciding on the makeup and planning the chronological order of her preparation on her wedding day.
2 weeks before the significant celebration, you need to make sure that all guests received an invitation to the wedding on time. At the same time, you need to meet with the wedding activist (host, toastmaster), discussing with him the plan for the evening event. It is imperative to order a wedding cake and a loaf with which the newlyweds will be greeted by their parents. Don't forget about fireworks and wedding fireworks. The bride's wedding bouquet and groom's boutonniere should also be ordered just before the upcoming wedding day.