When hiring, they often require a certificate of no criminal record from potential employees, especially if it concerns private security companies or agencies, and also if the applicant is invited to the vacancy of a materially responsible person or manager.

Step 1
Information about the convictions of all persons is stored in the databases of the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as in the information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regions of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Information about criminal records is strictly confidential and can be provided only at the request of authorized bodies, officials or operational employees. Information about the cancellation of a criminal record is publicly available and can be issued at the request of a particular person. There are several ways to check a criminal record, or rather, its absence from a person employed.
Step 3
Method one. Enter a mandatory item in the form indicating the presence or absence of a criminal record. When collecting certificates from a specific person, ask him for a document confirming no criminal record. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 965 "On approval of the instruction on the procedure for providing citizens with certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record" dated 01.11.2001, every citizen can freely obtain such a certificate. At the same time, according to the instructions, the applicant must personally appear with a passport to the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of residence to obtain a police clearance certificate.
Step 4
Method two. Submit a request to check the candidate for the position for the presence or absence of a criminal record through the enterprise's own security service. To do this, fill out a request through the HR department, and that, in turn, will send it to the security service. The security service is an authorized person, therefore, upon its request, the information service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or the Internal Affairs Directorate will provide all the necessary information about the requested person.