Graduation at the university is a significant holiday for every student. On this day, a new life begins for students, they begin to build their careers. You should definitely congratulate them on this important event.

Step 1
Choose a time and place for congratulations. This will determine how you express your praise to the graduates. You can do this on the Last Call. This small holiday, as in schools, is celebrated by students at the end of the last year, before passing the final exams. In this case, young people will be pleased if they hear warm words addressed to them from the teaching staff, who have been with them all these years and are proud that they graduate such gifted people. Parting words with a wish of success before the final tests will also come in handy.
Step 2
Congratulate the students immediately after successfully passing the state exams. At this moment, each of them with a clear conscience can say goodbye to studying at the university and while away the remaining days awaiting the presentation of the diploma. Praise the students for their diligence during the final test, noting that it was easy for them, and wish to make it through all the later challenges in life just as well.
Step 3
Express your gratitude during the graduation ceremony or after the ceremony. This is a great chance to convey to especially distinguished young people honorable mentions and valuable gifts. It should be shown to everyone how much the university values its students, and that everyone should be equal to them.
Step 4
Send congratulations already in an informal setting, during the graduation ceremony. On this merry holiday, no matter who congratulates the students: teachers, classmates or parents, you can do it in an informal and even comic form. For example, teachers can tell how good friends the students have become over this time and sing a song for them. And the students themselves can congratulate each other with playful letters, where a variety of qualities of fellow students are written (for example, "The most cheerful truant", "The best book lover", etc.).