Shrovetide is a fun celebration of seeing off the winter, which is accompanied by songs, dances, and lavish feasts. The main dish on the table is pancakes with various fillings. The culmination of the holiday is the burning of the Maslenitsa effigy, which is made of straw and dressed in women's clothing. And a small scarecrow of Maslenitsa is considered a home amulet, which can be made with your own hands with your children.

It is necessary
two old white towels of different sizes, cloths for decoration, rope, scissors, paints
Step 1
It is difficult to get bast and straw in urban conditions, so we will make a stuffed animal from available materials.
Roll up a large towel. Bend it in half. Pull the string in three places so that you get an imitation of the head, the hole where we will insert the hands and the body itself.
Roll a smaller towel and pull it with strings. These will be conditional hands.
Step 2
Insert a smaller roll into the prepared hole. It turned out to be a body with arms.
Step 3
Bend a large colored cloth or scarf in half, cut a hole for the head of our doll. Throw the prepared cloth over the doll's body. Shape a woman's dress. Tie a belt made of string or other beautiful fabric. Lavishly drape to make a doll with female shapes.
The doll's face can be drawn with paints or felt-tip pens, or you can sew on eye buttons. Tie a cloth handkerchief over the head of the stuffed animal.
The homemade Shrovetide doll is ready.