Christmas night has always been considered magical. It is not surprising that the wishes made at this time are often fulfilled. You just need to be able to guess.

It is necessary
- - a piece of paper
- - a pen
- - dense opaque bag
- - scissors
- - unlimited faith in the fulfillment of your desires
Step 1
Write 12 of your desires on 12 small pieces of paper, put the pieces of paper in a bag, and hide it under the pillow or leave it under the tree. In the morning, when you wake up, open the bag and take out the first sheet. The desire that you see on it will be fulfilled.
Step 2
Since this night is magical, you can make a wish just by looking out the open window. This method is not very effective, but they say it is effective. Of course, not all dreams come true, but only the most honest and sincere ones.
Step 3
Cut an angel figurine out of thick paper. Draw only one eye for him and, having made a wish, hide it in a secluded place. The second eye should be painted on only when you understand that the desire is fulfilled or is close to being fulfilled.
Step 4
On a piece of paper, write down your desire in as much detail as possible. If you want to get married, describe the height, eye color, character of the man you dream of meeting. If you want new shoes, do not neglect the description of the brand, color, style, etc. Moreover, it is important to write about the desire as if it had already come true: "I have new shoes", "I am married to my neighbor Petya." It is also useful to put such a sheet under your pillow on Christmas night.