The Year of the Teacher is usually announced by an international organization or government. However, this is not necessary at all. A teacher's year can pass in the region, and even in a separate municipality. The professional skills competition is an integral part of a large cycle of events. It can be made traditional and held at any time.

- - regulations on the competition;
- - jury;
- - sources of financing;
- - costings;
- - list of participants;
- - multimedia equipment;
- - an agreement with schools and the education committee to hold open lessons;
- - a hall for the opening and closing ceremonies of the competition.
Step 1
Develop a competition statement. It should indicate the goals and objectives of the event, requirements for participants, conditions of the event, sources of funding. Money can be allocated from the municipal budget if your city or district has an appropriate targeted municipal program. It is necessary to take care of budget financing in advance, since the budget for the next year is drawn up in spring and summer. Contact the education department with your proposal, which must apply for funding. You can also get by with sponsorship funds.
Step 2
Make an approximate cost estimate. It is best to consult with education and finance experts, even if you are using solely sponsored funds. In the estimate, indicate the costs of prizes, rental of premises, payment for the work of the jury, etc. Each city has its own conditions, and it is possible that you only need money for prizes and printing costs.
Step 3
Define nominations. If teachers, university and college teachers, teachers of additional education and kindergarten teachers will participate in the competition, divide them into groups. School teachers can compete against college teachers, but kindergarten professors and educators have too different problems to solve.
Step 4
Think about what parts your competition will consist of. An obligatory stage is an open lesson. You can invite the participants to tell about themselves and their work in an interesting way, develop and present their pedagogical concept.
Step 5
Compose your invitation text. Indicate in it the date and conditions of the competition, its stages, materials to be submitted by the participants. Write up to what date applications are accepted. Develop a form for this document and attach it to the invitation or write where it can be downloaded if you post the tender documentation on the city educational portal. Be sure to indicate what kind of visuals the participants can provide. The choice is large enough. It can be a video film, presentation, photo albums. It is possible to organize an exhibition of the manuals developed by the contestants.
Step 6
Decide in which schools the contestants will give open lessons. One of the usual conditions is that the participant must demonstrate his pedagogical skills in a foreign school. It is better if we manage to come to an agreement with the principals of two or even three schools so that all the contestants find themselves on an equal footing.
Step 7
Agree with the hall where the opening and closing ceremonies will take place. It is most convenient to use the assembly hall of one of the schools for this purpose. You can also organize events in a club or a house of culture. In this case, most likely, you will have to pay the rent, but you will not have to think about the decoration of the premises and equipment.
Step 8
Form a jury. There can be two panels of judges: professional and student. The first includes specialists from the city and regional education committees, winners of previous competitions, and the best teachers of the city. Students from high school or teacher training college can be invited to the student jury.
Step 9
Announce a teaching excellence competition in your local media. Such information is considered social, therefore it is usually published free of charge. Invite journalists to the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as to the lessons the contestants will give. After the finale, arrange a press conference with the participants. This can be done in the same room where the awards ceremony will be held.