World Kiss Day or International Kissing Day is celebrated annually on 6 July. This holiday originated in Great Britain back in the 19th century, and several decades later the UN granted it international status.

The kiss is traditionally one of the main manifestations of love and serves as a kind of symbol of the expression of feelings. Kissing has been ingrained in human culture since ancient times. According to one of the ancient legends, the breath of a person contains a particle of his soul, and therefore, during a kiss, the souls of lovers come into contact. It is not for nothing that even in fairy tales, one single kiss can awaken the Sleeping Beauty and Snow White from many years of sleep, and turn a terrible monster into a handsome prince.
This holiday is widely celebrated across the globe. For example, in 1990 in the USA A. Wolfmani managed to kiss 8001 people in eight hours, it turns out that he gave his kiss to people every 3.6 seconds. The couple from Chicago spent seventeen and a half days in the kiss, taking only 2-hour daily breaks for sleeping and eating. Hollywood celebrities also do not stand aside. So the most expensive kiss belongs to Kate Moss, he went under the hammer at a charity auction for 113 thousand dollars.
Kissing Day began to be celebrated in Russia relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. People take part with great pleasure in all kinds of entertainment programs and competitions dedicated to kissing. On this day, it is customary to hold contests for the "best" kiss, the criteria of which are duration, singularity, romance, charm, beauty, etc. The so-called flash mobs are widespread in many Russian cities, when several hundred or even thousands of pairs of lovers merge in a kiss at the same time. The main goal of such events is to remind people once again how important it is to appreciate and love their partner, to show sincere tenderness and care towards him.