The tradition of bachelorette parties has been going on since ancient times. Then, on the evening before the wedding, bridesmaids gathered in the bride's house, sat in a circle with candles and sang tearful mournful songs about the leaving free life and the horrors of a married woman's share. Even a special mourner was invited, almost like a funeral, only a younger one, usually an old maid. It was believed that if you do not cry enough before the celebration, then it will not be easy in marriage. Today, the ceremony has significantly transformed and resembles its predecessor only in name. Few of the modern brides have a desire to strictly follow the traditions of antiquity.

As a rule, a bachelorette party is organized by a witness with her friends, often secretly from the hero of the occasion. But it also happens the other way around - the bride herself comes up with a holiday, organizes it and invites her closest friends. In order for the event to remain in family history, a photographer is invited. Outfits are being prepared in one style, corresponding to the scenario of photography and competitions. As a rule, it takes place 2-3 weeks before the wedding. You can arrange not one bachelorette party at all, but several: with colleagues, girlfriends and relatives. The choice of scenarios for the evening is great: you can simply go to a club, cafe or have a party at home. But if you want something more original and memorable, then you should strain your imagination and give the idea a fix. The main thing is that such a celebration should not be too expensive, because wedding expenses already noticeably empty the pocket of future newlyweds.
In the SPA center - for perfectionists who strictly monitor their appearance and health
If you plan such a bachelorette party before the wedding itself, then you can rationally not waste your money by performing all the necessary preparatory cosmetic procedures: improving the appearance of hair, peeling, epilation, skin cleansing, manicure, pedicure. In addition, this is a great opportunity to just have a good rest, steam up with a cheerful company in the sauna, luxuriate under the sensitive hands of a masseur, splash in the pool or relax in the jacuzzi. You can have a Hawaiian party with cocktails, fruits and beach paraphernalia, or come up with water-themed contests.
Outdoors: a summer cottage or a camp site for romantically-sporting natures
Riding horses, feeding ducks or petting rabbits is not only good for a good mood, but also very memorable. Games in the forest with the search for a treasure-gift for the bride or even hidden girlfriends, performing comic tasks - will positively and cheerfully affect the whole company. Kebabs and an outdoor picnic are delicious and environmentally friendly. Campfire songs, boating, launching water or sky lanterns, helium balloons are romantic. And most importantly, all this can be combined!
A trip to a beautiful place for curious fidgets
On a tourist bus, on motorcycles (by agreement with bikers) or your own cars, you can go to any sightseeing within the region and there you can arrange contests, a feast or a buffet table and a fun photo session there.
For restless thrill-seekers
If you love the thrill, then the bachelorette party should go accordingly - extreme. Here you can come up with a lot of options depending on the season: skydiving, speedboat riding, jumping, snowboarding down the mountains, dizzying carousels, ice rink, etc. The main thing is, with all this, do not forget about the precautions so that the wedding does not become a trauma center on the road.