How You Can Save Money When Preparing For The Wedding

How You Can Save Money When Preparing For The Wedding
How You Can Save Money When Preparing For The Wedding

A wedding is a very costly event. Therefore, one should not hope that the guests' monetary gifts will compensate for its cost, and even more so to take out a loan. A sensible approach to preparation will allow significant savings if the budget is limited.

How you can save money when preparing for the wedding
How you can save money when preparing for the wedding

First of all, make a list of all costs and describe each item to the smallest detail. Remember that minimalism is in vogue now, but "grandmother's" traditions look outdated. You can safely do without ransom or rolling all guests around the city. Cross off what you don't need.

Consider your guest list carefully. Here you will have to consult with the parents, but the final decision is still up to the newlyweds. Surely you can slightly "cut" the number at the expense of distant relatives whom you barely know. If you undertake to pay for the accommodation of invited nonresident guests, you need to reduce their number to a minimum. The exception is families with a traditional lifestyle, where such a turn can cause a serious conflict with the parents.

When choosing a wedding date, note that it can also play a role in shaping the overall budget. The most popular dates (usually summer Fridays and Saturdays) carry the highest price tags for almost all services. But in April, May or November, you can get significant discounts both for a banquet and for the services of a presenter, photographer or florist.

Many people say that you cannot save on a wedding dress, but, nevertheless, you can buy on the site of private ads or rent a chic dress that you could not afford. And it is not at all necessary to tell everyone about it, let them think that you bought it in an expensive salon.

Prepare for the wedding yourself, without the involvement of an agency. Many agencies claim that it is even cheaper with them, but in most cases this is slyness. With a smart approach to costs, self-planning will always be cheaper. Read forums, enlist the help of a parent or girlfriend.

A banquet in a restaurant "eats up" a significant part of the budget. Food and its quantity have not been surprising to anyone for a long time, so you can get creative with the format. For example, to make a symbolic buffet for several hours and go on a trip on the same day. Or arrange a wedding at the dacha: invite cooks and waiters, and buy food yourself. And then the guests will not say that you saved or spared money.

A sensible approach will allow you to allocate a little more money for a honeymoon trip or just pleasant purchases for a new family. And remember that an overly chic and expensive wedding does not at all guarantee a long and happy family life.
