The face of our planet is changing thanks to the creative work of the builders. Thanks to them, there are new places to work in factories under construction and new places to live in buildings under construction. And if your friends, relatives or yourself are in the ranks of the builders, then you simply must celebrate a wonderful date - a professional holiday.

Russians and citizens of four other countries in the post-Soviet space celebrate the second Sunday of August as Builder's Day. The tradition was born in 1956. The heroes of the occasion include a very wide list of specialties employed in construction: designers, architects, plasterers, painters, engineers and many other workers of construction organizations. It happens that the reasons for professional celebrations are duplicated. For example, in the above list of construction specialties there are architects who already have 2 holidays, and even worldwide, - July 1 (Architecture Day) and the first Monday in October. But it will never be superfluous to remind in this way close people or friends that they are loved. Use every opportunity for good wishes.
If your respected housemate has a professional holiday, remember this when you meet. Even if the holiday is just ahead or, conversely, has just passed, congratulations will be appropriate. Friends are another matter: it is necessary to congratulate in a timely manner, having considered in advance what to give.
Expensive gifts are not needed, originality and originality are needed. Call from an anonymous number and thank for the wonderful accommodation on behalf of the new settler who moved into the apartment in the house where the comrade worked. A kind and witty prank will be perceived as an expensive gift and will be remembered for a long time. Buy a construction helmet from a store and design it yourself: repaint, draw or write something original on it. Compose and send an SMS, draw and present a poster on the wall, the main thing - do not forget about the date.
Anything that will delight your friends is also suitable for loved ones. Set a holiday table with a building theme. For example, simulate cutting a cake with a trowel, and make the cake itself in the form of a tape measure, a fragment of brickwork, etc. You can edit a short video from fragments of work with a humorous show. For a person of the older generation, a wall newspaper with photographs, drawings, maybe newspaper clippings from the family archive is suitable. Do not glue the stored originals under any circumstances, make photocopies. Write new poems about builders to some famous and favorite tune, sing a new song together. These same ideas will work for corporate parties. The main thing is to get ready for the holiday with all your heart.