How To Relax In The Camp

How To Relax In The Camp
How To Relax In The Camp

Table of contents:


You don't need to lock yourself in a city apartment alone with your computer to spend your holidays profitably. There is a huge selection of children's camps that are open during the holidays. Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct that are in every holiday home and camp, so that dangerous situations and conflicts with the administration do not arise.

How to relax in the camp
How to relax in the camp


Step 1

If you are traveling to a camp without parents with a group of other children accompanied by an adult, you cannot use other carriages on the train. Do not go out into the vestibule. You need to calmly drive in your compartment, not throw garbage out of the windows and report all unforeseen and dangerous situations to the escort.

Step 2

When the group arrives at the camp, you will be introduced to the counselor, assigned to the rooms and shown your bed and bedside table. It's good if you and the guys managed to make friends on the road. If your parents brought you in, try to overcome your shyness and start interacting with other children.

Step 3

The rest will be much more fun and exciting if a good friendly company is selected. You and the guys will be able to play collective games and help each other out if something bad happens. Just do not give in to the provocations of hooligans and violate the rules of conduct in the camp.

Step 4

For some violations, you may be sent home. All the rules for staying in the camp are created in order to ensure maximum safety for children during the rest. Learn to take care of yourself, think about the consequences of your actions. After all, parents will not be able to quickly come to the rescue, as they are far away.

Step 5

You need to be especially careful when swimming in water. You cannot unauthorized escape from the camp, try to reach the settlement and swim in unauthorized places. The counselor is one per group of children: he may not keep track of everyone if the children break the rules. Try to help him, not hinder him. Better to come up with new fun, but safe games with your friends. You will have free time, use it wisely.

Step 6

In addition to contests and various competitions that counselors arrange in the camp, you can organize your own. Show your imagination and unleash your creativity. Make an interesting architectural composition of sand, your friends and other guys will also be happy to join the "construction".

Step 7

In a few days, you can build a whole city, decorate it with flags made of bright patches, pave the streets with pebbles, and carefully cover the roofs with shells. It will be a shame when the rain will wash away this beauty, but you can capture the process of creation by photographing all stages of construction. Just don't break trees or pick grass and flowers when building castles. Take care of the nature around you.

Step 8

In bad weather, arrange for reading interesting books out loud or play board games. Share your impressions of your school with your friends, tell us about your plans for the future.

Step 9

A friendly and creative child will never get bored in the camp, because there are so many interesting things. Be kind and considerate to shy guys and include them in your games. This way you will gain many more friends with whom you will continue to communicate.
