Children's camp: tanned guys and counselors, games, circles and competitions, songs with a guitar around the fire and, of course, the sea or another body of water! How then not to remember this wonderful time? But which shift is the best time to send your child?

When sending a child to a camp, when choosing a shift, you need to take into account not only his desires or your capabilities, but also the weather conditions, since they can be decisive for a camp holiday.
We choose according to the weather
If you send your child to a camp by the sea, any change will be good in terms of weather conditions: it is almost never cold there at the beginning of summer, there are no heavy rains, the sun is shining almost all the time and you can swim even at the beginning of June. Things are a little more complicated with local camps in the central part of the country. On the first shift, you should not send children who are going to the camp for the first time, especially the little ones. They may not get the boost of positive emotions that the camp gives if they have to flee the rain all day or put on jackets and sweaters from the cold. In early June, in central Russia, there is still very often unfavorable weather for a real summer vacation.
In addition, during the first shift, the houses in the camp are not yet warmed up, like the land in the forest, and blankets and bed linen may be damp after winter. All this can lead to illness of the child, especially if the camp has not built buildings, but summer houses without heating. Therefore, the child will have to go to the first shift with a full set of warm clothes.
Best shift
The best time for rest comes in the camp when constant hot weather sets in, the reservoir warms up to the desired temperature, and you can enjoy real summer days. This usually happens at the end of June - in July, so the second and third shifts are considered ideal for children. The best moments among them are still the third shift: at this time, the team of counselors was fully formed, the students were no longer loaded with the session, everyone was able to get to the camp, the program in it was completely worked out, and the team formed and became friends. This is the noisiest and most fun time for relaxation, in which children are provided with maximum entertainment: it can be hiking, and daily bathing, and an incendiary evening program.
The last fourth shift is good because after it the guys usually get the best gifts if the camp provides them. In addition, farewell to the camp on this shift is the most ambitious, beautiful and memorable. The end of the season will be celebrated not only by the children leaving the camp, but by the entire staff. However, during this shift, one can already feel the fatigue of the counselors, who did not get enough sleep and worked all summer, entertaining the guys. They may overlook someone or miss something, and simply psychological fatigue from children will make itself felt. Counselors at this time may not be as resourceful and active as usual. Therefore, if your child is thirsty for adventure, activities and bright events, send him to the third shift.