The first dance of the newlyweds is an important part of the wedding. This is an emotional, beautiful, memorable moment of the wedding. It is very important to choose the right musical composition for the first dance.

Creating the first dance
Young people very often turn to professional choreographers to stage a dance. It is during the first lesson that it is important to discuss the intended music for the dance. The choreographer will help resolve doubts and disputes by suggesting which of the melodies will be easier to dance to.
Ideally, the wedding dance should be prepared strongly in advance, for example, a few months before the wedding. This will allow you to "comb" it. This is especially important if, for some reason, the bride and groom decided to stage the dance on their own.
The ideal length of any dance is three to four minutes. Firstly, it allows you to keep the attention of the audience, and secondly, in three or four minutes, even from habit, it is quite difficult to get tired, and thirdly, this time is enough to open up in the dance.
It is not necessary to dance a wedding dance to some song, you can do without words with a composition. This is especially true if a waltz is chosen. But do not choose music that does not evoke emotions in the newlyweds.
What music should be
The music should be inspiring, associated with love, it should be quite rhythmic (this is important if the newlyweds have never danced before, a clear rhythm will allow them to navigate the figures easier). If the newlyweds prefer songs with lyrics, it is best to choose from the repertoire of duets. A good choreographer can emphasize female and male roles in dance in accordance with the soloist. It is advisable to choose not too fast melodies, because because of the excitement, even after long rehearsals, it is easier to get lost in a fast dance than in a slow one.
Of course, you have to choose "happy" musical stories. Beautiful lyrical songs about love suffering can be perceived by guests as an unkind sign. You can order a specialist to create a "potpourri" of two or three melodies. This option is becoming more and more popular. In the case of a potpourri, you can start with a minor lyric song about loneliness and then move on to happiness. However, for such an option, a good choreographer is very important, with a subtle feeling of emotional overtones.
If a live orchestra is playing at a wedding, it is advisable to rehearse a dance with them at least once, since the interpretations of musical melodies by musicians often differ greatly from the original - in duration, tempo, rhythm.