The most enjoyable occasion to celebrate will always be the birthday of a loved one. Brothers occupy an important place among the multitude of relatives. For this person, I want to do a lot so that he was pleased with your attention, and especially on his birthday.

Computer, internet connection, telephone, balloons, posters, flowers, cake, cake candles
Step 1
You need to start congratulating your brother on his birthday from the very morning, and even better - from the night, if this, of course, is acceptable. If you live with your brother in the same house or have access to his apartment, then you can surprise him in the form of a room decorated with balloons and posters with congratulations. If you haven't seen the birthday boy in the morning, then prepare a surprise for his arrival - a festive dinner.
Step 2
Arrange a pleasant awakening for your brother - play the song "Happy Birthday" or "Let them run awkwardly …" at full volume. Even if he recently fell asleep, on this day, such an awakening will not cause negative emotions. In addition, he may then fall asleep again. If you and your brother live separately, then call him, and when he answers, then instead of words, turn on him to listen to one of the songs.
Step 3
If you live separately with the birthday person, then send him an SMS with an original comic congratulation. You can compose the text yourself, find it on the Internet or add a ready-made congratulation in your own words, taking into account the peculiarities of the culprit of the holiday. If your brother's phone is capable of receiving MMS, then you can send a voice or musical greeting, since there are a great many of them on the Internet. Voice congratulations are good because they help not only congratulate the birthday man, but also make him laugh or play him.
Step 4
Not all families hold mailing messages in high esteem. Yes, and hearing his brother's voice is much more pleasant than just unsubscribing a couple of lines. Men do not show emotions as brightly as women, so you have to think about what you can say to the birthday boy, how to cause not only his smile and gratitude, but also delight.
Step 5
Buy or bake a cake, decorate it with candles, and when your brother comes in, meet him with your candlelit confectionery masterpiece right on the doorstep. Such a surprise will cause a lot of positive emotions and cheer you up. In the event that you yourself go to visit the birthday person, candles should be lit before you ring the doorbell.
Step 6
Order the delivery of a bouquet of flowers to your brother's house from one of the companies. If the birthday is a child or teenager, then order a bouquet of sweets or a toy made of flowers. However, an adult will be delighted with such a gift. Such a congratulation will suit everyone, especially those who live with a relative in different cities. But before ordering flowers, find out exactly at what point in time where the birthday person will be, so that the congratulation will accurately reach the addressee.