Previously, the question of whether to send a child to a kindergarten was not at all, therefore, children born in the USSR mainly attended kindergartens. Often their social life began with a nursery, because maternity leave of three years appeared relatively recently. “Domesticated” children were the exception rather than the rule.

Why does a child need to go to kindergarten?
Today, the question of whether or not to send a child to kindergarten is one of the discussed, including on the Internet. If earlier a place in the garden was received depending on the actual residence, without any choice, today the situation is more interesting, but at the same time and more complicated. Modern young parents are free to choose a kindergarten for their child, however, if they manage to "get" it.
Nowadays, people begin to think about kindergarten immediately after the birth of a baby. Does the child need a kindergarten? If so, which one, what abilities to develop in the child? Most often, parents in the question of whether or not to send a child to the kindergarten are guided by the need, because the mother needs to go to work. And if there is a choice, what to do? Send your child to kindergarten or develop him at home on your own?
According to psychologists, children who go straight from home to school, bypassing kindergarten, are more difficult to adapt to the team. Until recently, experts categorically insisted that a kindergarten is a necessary link in the process of a child's socialization. However, today no one states so categorically about the need for a preschooler to visit a kindergarten.
Nowadays, children who do not attend kindergarten are no longer an exception. Therefore, everyone comes to school with a different "baggage": someone was at home with his mother or grandmother, another attended a regular kindergarten, the third was a child development center, and the nanny looked after the fourth.
It is worth saying that attending kindergarten gives the child the opportunity to communicate with peers, manifest personal qualities, for example, leadership. If a child does not attend a kindergarten, parents need to provide him with communication with peers, starting from the age of three.
In kindergarten, the child gets acquainted with the rules of behavior and learns to follow them. This means that parents should pay special attention to this point as well.
And most importantly, the child receives physical and intellectual development in kindergarten. If the parents are able to provide it, then they can not send the child to the kindergarten. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the educational standards adhered to in kindergartens leave much to be desired, especially in ordinary institutions.
Note to mom
In principle, parents can independently create all the conditions for the development of their baby, just take into account that this is painstaking daily work. And the main pitfall is that the "home" child has practically no skill of communicating with adult strangers.
In deciding the issue with kindergarten, the individual characteristics of the child, especially his health, should be taken into account. It is not recommended to send weakened, often ill children to a regular kindergarten.