When it's time for graduation balls, many want to keep this piece of youth and carelessness as a souvenir, so that after many years the heart will be warmed by the warm smiles of classmates, and the good wishes of teachers and school friends will remain in memory. All this can be combined in one place - the graduation album, which is given to all eleventh graders.

Step 1
One of the types of such albums that you can order in any photo studio is a traditional photobook. In it, photographs of children are interspersed with wishes from teachers and poems about school. The book opens with a picture taken in first grade, and ends with a general graduation photo. Photos are framed in frames made of autumn leaves or school supplies (there are many such template frames on the Internet, and it will not be difficult to find the right one).
Step 2
If you want a fun album, you can arrange it in the form of a fun magazine. It is not necessary to allocate a separate page for the photos of each graduate; live, frivolous, funny shots are important here: here Masha throws up yellow leaves, and Kolya, for example, rejoices in winning the competition. You can make several photo collages, reflecting the faith of the guys in a good, kind, successful future: everyone is in clothes or with an object that characterizes the future profession (Vanya with a keyboard under his arm, and Natasha with a pointer and a biology textbook). Pictures from school events are welcome - sports, Olympiads, KVNs, discos, theatrical performances. Variants of signatures - funny phrases from the lessons, comic promises from everyone: "But in the future I will definitely …".
Step 3
If you want to place information about each graduate, you can put together an album by personalities: on each page there is a full-length photograph of the graduate and two small ones characterizing the hobbies or life position of the eleventh grader. It also contains information about each of them: last name, first name, ICQ number, e-mail address, hobbies and hobbies, a small description on behalf of the teachers. At the bottom of each page, you can place an aphorism about life or about choosing a path.
Step 4
For sophisticated natures or graduates of art schools or classes, the option of a creative album is suitable. Everyone will have to work hard on its formation, because everything will be handwritten here - scanned and processed records of congratulations, declarations of love to teachers, notes "about myself", "my dreams", drawings on the margins of notebooks and wishes for classmates, blots from notebooks and classroom notes the head in the diaries. Photos of each graduate can be in two formats: a seven-year-old timid first grader with flowers, a briefcase behind his back and a graduate, serious and confident in his abilities. Many years later it will be interesting to open it, to see how the handwriting has changed, how the instructions, wishes and dreams have come true.