Modern Wedding Trends

Modern Wedding Trends
Modern Wedding Trends

Times change, which means that weddings cannot be held the same way. Many newlyweds are trying to move away from "hackneyed" scenarios and make their wedding individual.

Modern wedding trends
Modern wedding trends

If in the good old days it was considered normal to get married before the age of twenty, now there are more and more weddings of those over thirty, and this does not surprise anyone. In addition, modern newlyweds consider many traditions to be outdated and irrelevant. There is nothing wrong with this, since times are changing and people are becoming less and less superstitious and this important event has the right to be held exactly as they want.

1. Wedding dress

It doesn't have to be white at all! In addition, a snow-white dress does not suit everyone. The main task is to highlight the beauty and personality of the bride. Therefore, she can choose both light shades (beige, coffee with milk, ivory) and bright colors (red, blue) and even an elegant black dress. Practical brides simply buy an evening dress that can still be worn after the wedding.

If the budget allows, you can buy two dresses - one more festive for a formal ceremony, and another, cocktail and much more comfortable for a banquet.

2. Taking pictures

Wedding photographers compete with each other in creativity, coming up with the most unusual situations: the bride and groom on the subway, tram, at a ski resort, on a boat. On horseback, accompanied by dogs, cats and more exotic animals. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the photographer and the willingness of the newlyweds to experiment.

3. Leading, not "toastmaster"

The modern presenter looks good, keeps himself in shape, speaks clearly and competently. He does not allow himself to drink during the event, avoids the same type of contests and vulgar jokes. Does not force guests to participate in competitions against their will and does not pull them out from the table. Unobtrusive stand-up jokes and improvisations are popular.

4. Format of the event

A traditional banquet with tables bursting with food can be preferred a buffet with light snacks and canapes. A huge cake - a candy bar. This tendency came from the West, but it has not yet taken root in our country, since it is often still regarded by relatives as greed.

5. Staged wedding dance

Newlyweds often take lessons from a choreographer, and this is great, since it is much more interesting for guests to watch a choreographed dance. And the most courageous ones make a real show out of dance.

5. Exit registration

This tradition with the invitation of the registrar has taken root for a long time, because it makes it possible to say "yes" to each other on the shore of the lake, on the roof or on a blooming summer terrace. Without queues and rush, in the circle of those who are especially important.

6. Ceremony abroad

Many couples conduct real or staged registrations in other countries, often it does not cost more than a lavish party with many guests at home.
