At that moment, when two young people wanted to tie their fates, everything starts with the smallest thing - the appointment of the wedding day. After submitting an application to the registry office, a lot of troubles begin that fall on the shoulders of the young and their relatives. At the moment when the bride chooses an outfit, jewelry and hairstyles, her bridesmaids can help with decorating the house. It will be a very pleasant surprise for the young, to enter the house, which will look like a beautiful castle.

Step 1
Of course, in addition to the dwelling itself, it is first of all necessary to decorate the entrance, and to mask some unpleasant nuances. This can be helped by starched gauze, decorated with all sorts of drawings and hearts, made of colored paper or foil, attaching it all to double-sided tape. It is possible to hang balloons at the entrance, in which there will be all sorts of wishes addressed to the young.
Step 2
The next step will be to decorate the front door, perhaps hang it with a pretty fabric, hang all kinds of posters on it, or simply decorate the door with a Christmas tree garland. In the hallway, you can build a map that will show the whole life of the young, before and after they meet, you can decorate such a poster with hearts and photographs.
Step 3
The whole apartment can be decorated with beautiful balloons; today there are a large number of balloons on sale that will look great in any room. The balloons have a voluminous and colorful appearance, which in itself will remind of the holiday. It is also possible to make braided rings or hearts from balls that can be attached to the walls of rooms. You can also prepare a surprise by pouring shiny confetti into the balloon and inflating it. At the right moment, pierce a ball over the heads of the young and a brilliant rain will fall on them. The easiest way to decorate your home is to fill the balloons with helium or hydrogen and send them free to soar.
Step 4
Flowers will also look very nice and beautiful in the decoration of the room. Perhaps, just put bouquets in large vases and arrange them in the corners of the rooms, no matter what they interfere with the movement. We must not forget that flowers should also be present on the festive table. They also decorate the tables on the sides with flowers, hanging garlands of flowers on the empty places of the tablecloth - such a design will be very colorful and pleasant to look at.
Step 5
Decorations from woven drapery are possible. This decoration is suitable for any rooms and halls. Perhaps hanging fabric under the ceiling or on the walls, which can give the room an airy look and change it beyond recognition. Another great option would be to decorate furniture with fabric. Gorgeous tablecloths that will decorate the table. The option of choosing a tablecloth is possible, which will lie flat on the table, and the ends hanging from the table will be in the form of a drapery. In the same version, you can decorate the chairs intended for newlyweds and witnesses. The backs of the chairs can be decorated with multi-colored bows, which will add brilliance and splendor.