When a birthday is planned in the house, the head starts to spin with the upcoming preparations. Indeed, in order for the holiday to be remembered by the birthday man and guests, it is necessary to carefully think over the whole scenario of the birthday, and first of all, take care of decorating the house for this wonderful holiday.

It is necessary
Balloons, colorful posters with wishes, flowers, candy and fruit bouquets, decorations for glasses, confetti, photos of the birthday boy, gifts
Step 1
The first step to decorating your home will undoubtedly be balloons. They can not only be scattered and hung around the house, but also form some kind of festive composition. You need to think about where the balls will look most impressive. You can also knit garlands from balloons, attach photos of the birthday person to them, and even attach notes with wishes. In general, using your imagination, you can come up with a lot of interesting things.
Step 2
Decorated walls will look very beautiful and original. For example, you can attach not only a bright poster with congratulations, but also various interesting compositions with photos of the birthday person. You can also hang his portrait on the wall, with a bouquet of flowers attached to it.
Step 3
It is very important that the interior of the house contains a festive mood. In addition to bouquets of flowers, you can create candy and fruit compositions. Beads and colorful balls poured into a salad bowl or vase, as well as crocheted decoration for glasses, will look beautiful. Decorated candles will also look spectacular. It is necessary to think carefully about the way of presenting a gift, it can be, for example, arrows spread out around the apartment.
Step 4
Also, flower petals and confetti scattered on the floor will create a festive mood. The main thing, when decorating a house for a birthday, is to apply all your imagination, taste and humor.