How To Choose Firecrackers

How To Choose Firecrackers
How To Choose Firecrackers

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There are many types of firecrackers - large and small, with and without effects. When choosing firecrackers for the holiday, first of all, be guided by considerations of your own safety and do not buy them in questionable places.

How to choose firecrackers
How to choose firecrackers


Step 1

The word "petard" is translated from French as "noise, alarm". Modern firecrackers are pyrotechnic items that explode with a loud pop. The explosion of a firecracker can be accompanied by additional effects - whistling, scattering colored lights, etc.

Step 2

By its design, the firecracker is a paper sleeve with black powder, which is ignited by an incendiary composition. By the method of ignition, firecrackers are divided into grating and wick. Grating firecrackers at one end have a special composition that ignites from friction against a matchbox. Wick firecrackers must be set on fire from an open flame.

Step 3

If you are interested in classic firecrackers, you can opt for the Corsairs. Depending on the power of the explosion, "Corsairs" are divided into several types, each of which has its own number. "Corsair-1" - the smallest firecrackers that explode with a small pop. "Corsair-10" - a large firecracker, the sound of an explosion which triggers alarms for cars parked nearby. The cost of one such firecracker is approaching 90 rubles. For comparison, for the same money you can buy a couple of packs of "Corsair-1".

Step 4

The explosion of some firecrackers can be accompanied by two or even three pyrotechnic effects. Such firecrackers can rotate, take off, release colored smoke, sparks, etc. The larger the size of such firecrackers and the more effects they have, the higher their cost. So, the "Moon Flower" petard, when ignited, soars upward, scattering around itself a sheaf of colored sparks and costs about 140 rubles per box. For about 1,400 rubles, you can buy the Merry Carousel petard, which is capable of spinning around its axis, scattering sparks at a distance of up to three meters.

Step 5

Another common type of firecrackers is a machine-gun belt. In it, small in power firecrackers are packed in one bundle, which, when set on fire, makes an incredible noise, similar to the sound of shots from automatic weapons.

Step 6

Regardless of the type of firecrackers, when choosing them, you need to be guided by safety rules. You cannot buy firecrackers from street shops. Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date. On high-quality firecrackers, data on the manufacturer or importer is always indicated and instructions are given in Russian. Sellers selling firecrackers must have a certificate for pyrotechnic products on hand.
