A person reaches a period of maturity by the age of 35. By this time people already have families and children. Most took place as individuals. And when the next birthday comes, the question arises: "How to celebrate it?" Naturally, if you decide to celebrate it, then you cannot do without guests. Therefore, you need to strive to ensure that on this day no one was bored, everyone was full and satisfied.

Step 1
Celebrating a birthday at home is very troublesome. It is best to entrust the preparation of the festive table to professionals. Therefore, now most of the heroes of the occasion order the event to be held in restaurants or cafes. You just need to discuss the menu, and the rest will be done by the employees of the establishment. Most restaurants and cafes specialize in providing such services. In addition to table setting, they can offer an original decoration of the room and an entertainment program with a host. If you are not going to invite many guests, you can arrange a party at home.
Step 2
In the case of ordering a room in a restaurant, your hassle of preparing treats is reduced to ordering a menu from the existing list in the institution. Self-preparation of a feast involves thinking through the recipes of dishes personally. A buffet table can solve the problem of choice. Light snacks are prepared quickly, and their variety allows you to please any guest.
Step 3
A feature of the buffet table is the portioning of dishes, each of which can be easily taken and put on your plate. Canapes take little time to prepare, and they look very appetizing. To make pieces of meat, ham or bacon convenient to take, they are strung on skewers. The same is done with vegetables, shrimp and other seafood. This menu is perfect for indoor celebrations and for a picnic. What could be better than celebrating your birthday in nature!
Step 4
Dancing and drinking conversations are, of course, good. But to make it really fun, you can't do without entertainment and contests. If the festival takes place in nature, you can take badminton, balls and other games. The room limits the possibilities, but not so much that you can't think of anything.
Step 5
"Fanta by Time". This is fun for the whole day. It is prepared in advance. The birthday boy writes notes indicating tasks for each guest. For example, someone has to get up at 4:00 pm and loudly crow. It will be very interesting to see the reaction of other guests to such a surprise.
Step 6
"Pregnant". Mostly men play. An inflated balloon is tied to them in the abdominal area. Then small objects are scattered on the floor. After the signal, the men should collect them without bursting the balloon. Whoever has more items is the winner.
Step 7
"Dress me up." To play you need opaque bags with a set of different clothes. It can be gloves, a hat, a bra. Those who wish are divided into pairs and choose a package. They are blindfolded. After that, one of the pair must touch the other. The winners are those whose partner is more correct and faster dressed.