If the family does not have traditions of celebrating solemn events, including children's birthdays, then all its members from childhood have been deprived of a lot of positive memories. But decorating an apartment, preparing various surprises and dishes for the birthday person together with other family members, you can get closer, learn more about each other, and also overcome difficulties together, because holiday chores take a lot of time and effort.

Step 1
The first thing you need to pay attention to is that it is better to make all preparations secretly from the hero of the occasion. Let the whole holiday become one big pleasant surprise for him.
Step 2
Decoration of the birthday boy's room. Make sure that there are many inflated balloons in the house long before your baby wakes up. This idea with balls seems to us already banal. The child will be very pleased to wake up in the middle of a multi-colored air cloud. And so that he does not accidentally wake up from the sound of a bursting balloon, do not inflate all the balloons completely. Use a pump for this, and not the power of your own lungs: firstly, you will not get tired in the morning, having received hyperventilation of the lungs, and secondly, the balls themselves will be lighter, since the air is lighter than carbon dioxide.
Step 3
While the child is sleeping, decorate all his favorite toys with festive bows and ribbons. They can be tied and not only on dolls or bears - decorate the chandelier, pillows, doorknobs, curtains like this.
Step 4
Make the birthday boy's throne. You will need it to sit at the festive table itself, to receive gifts from guests. It is very simple to design it: take a large piece of fabric (it can be a festive tablecloth, curtain) or gift paper, wrap a chair with it, fix it by tying it around the back, legs, and decorate with beautiful bows. If this is not enough for you, cut stars from foil or contrasting gift paper and sew them with several stitches to the already fixed fabric, or glue them to paper. Don't forget the crown too. It is not difficult to find a crown for a girl, but for a boy you will have to make it yourself. Take gold paper, cut a “fence” out of it and glue it into a ring. Think about how you will attach it to the birthday person's head.
Step 5
Make a "board of honor", where you will post photos with the birthday boy in retrospect, his certificates of honor, the first drawings or writing, handprints and footprints in different years.
Step 6
Arrange a quest for the kid to find gifts. Make hiding places throughout the apartment in which to place small souvenirs and the most important gift. Write him a guide to finding lost treasures. So the child and the whole family will receive much more positive emotions from the holiday.
Step 7
Decorate the festive table correctly. The basic rule of a children's party is less food - more outdoor games and contests. Therefore, the festive table does not play a big role on the children's birthday. It is best to make it in the form of a buffet table, so that every kid can have a quick snack at any time and continue the fun.