Christmas is a holiday that has well-established features for many years - a kind of interweaving of church and folk traditions. They prepare for it in advance in order to spend it calmly and without fuss. This is what makes Christmas different from a fun and energetic New Year.

Step 1
First, decorate your home with fir branches, candles, postcards, bells or paper lanterns, and hang a Christmas wreath on your front doors. Involve children in making jewelry. So they will remember: Christmas is a family holiday.
Step 2
Do not forget about the most important attribute - a decorated spruce. Try to bring a living tree into your home, the smell of which will fill everything around with the feeling of an impending holiday. If it is not possible to decorate a real tree, then use any branches of conifers to create a Christmas atmosphere.
Step 3
Be sure to invite your godfathers and godchildren to visit. Meeting them at the entrance to the house, present small gifts, prepare them in advance, for example, a warm scarf or hand-knitted mittens.
Step 4
For the Christmas festive table, prepare twelve (lean) dishes, among which there must be kutia. After dinner is over, leave one serving for the perfume. Cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth, it is a symbol of light and purity of birth.
Step 5
Christmas Eve is meant for reflection and reflection, so sit quietly before the first star appears in the sky, if possible, light a fireplace or stove.
Step 6
After dinner, go caroling with your guests. Learn it yourself, and for friends, write Christmas songs and poems on paper and boldly knock on neighbors' doors. And if the carolers drop into your house, be sure to treat them with something sweet, such as sweets.
Step 7
Fortune-telling will bring a lot of fun and funny minutes, so first familiarize yourself with various signs and ways to find out the future. Guests will definitely enjoy this entertainment.
Step 8
Sledding is a merry Christmas tradition. Put on your costumes and go outside, where you can take part in festivities, launching fireworks and fireworks, fun games and entertaining performances.
Step 9
In the morning after Christmas night, visit the temple, where light candles and ask the saints for prosperity and happiness for your family and friends. And so that they stay in the house throughout the year, feed the birds with the crumbs left over from the festive dinner.