Every year in Turkey, the sacred holiday of Ramadan is held, to which almost all residents are timed. This centuries-old tradition is observed throughout the entire Islamic world, but each country celebrates this holiday in its own way. In Turkey, Ramadan is celebrated especially vividly, it is not only a strict fast, but also mutual help between people, spiritual purification, unprecedented generosity, rest and entertainment.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The Islamic calendar consists of twelve lunar months and has 354 (355) days. Based on the solar calendar, each year the dates in the Muslim calendar are shifted ten days forward. From this, the holy holiday of Ramadan is calculated.
The main event of the holiday is fasting, which lasts for the entire sacred month, for thirty days. During this time, all Muslims abstain from drinking, eating, taking medicine, smoking and having sex from dawn to sunset. The fast ends in the evening, so Muslims can eat and drink until the next morning.
During Ramadan, people should be distracted from the needs and gratifications of the body, concentrating completely on God and their soul, learn self-control and patience. Fasting is also about feeling how the poor and hungry feel, and understanding the value of all that you have and take for granted.
In Turkey, long before the onset of Ramadan, preparations for the holiday begin. First, a general cleaning is carried out in work offices and apartments, purchases are made to prepare a dinner for breaking the fast. At the same time, one should take into account the situation of the poor, who are helped by neighbors, relatives and the state. There are dishes that are characteristic exclusively for Ramadan - pide (flat bread with nigella), gyllach (milk dessert).
It is customary to invite guests for a break-fast dinner; the doors of houses, according to the old tradition, remain unlocked in case of unexpected guests arriving. Everyone, regardless of status and religion, can suddenly join the dinner - an indicator that class discord does not exist in Turkish society. The morning of Ramadan begins with a meal before sunrise, so that residents do not oversleep, there are special heralds who wake everyone up with loud songs and beating a big drum.
But not only worship and food make up holy Ramadan, this holiday is also associated with a rich cultural life, which is based on the service of faith and God. It is worth mentioning mahyu - light inscriptions hung between the minarets of the mosque. They depict wise words and various drawings, their brilliance is complemented by cannon shots that herald the coming of Iftar, which means you can start your evening meal.
In the evening, people stroll through the city, where various musical meetings, performances and theatrical performances are held. Shadow theater Karagez and Khadzhivat, traditional street theater Orta oyunu - all this is very exciting for children and adults. The Turks are making every effort to preserve this art in its original and intact form.