On June 30, people of all ages from all over the country come to the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria to meet the early morning sunrise over the sea. This is how one of the youngest Bulgarian holidays takes place - Dzhulaya.

It originated in the 70s of the last century, along with the hippie movement. It is no coincidence that on this day, the song of the legendary band Uriah Heep "July Morning" - "July Morning", sounds from all the speakers. It was she who gave the name to the holiday. At first it was purely youthful and had an ideological connotation. In such a non-aggressive way, informal youth protested against the dominance of the Bulgarian communist party.
But the traditions laid down by the holiday turned out to be so attractive that with the departure of the Communist Party from power, they did not stop celebrating it. On the contrary, from year to year it becomes more and more popular and colorful. On the night from June 30 to July 1, life on the coast is in full swing. People sing famous songs, dance, get to know each other, talk about interesting topics, and then meet the morning of the first day of July together. A sincere and friendly atmosphere reigns against the background of the indescribable beauty of the resort places.
The ideological basis for Dzhulai is being summed up today. They say that people are protesting against globalization, the destructive influence of megacities on a person's personality and similar phenomena. But in fact, this holiday is closer to pagan religious rites. Over time, he acquired some mysticism and is more likely not a protest, but a method of purifying the soul through immersion in an atmosphere of universal benevolence.
Today the holiday is celebrated by people of different ages. Its founders have matured, and now they are called "old hippies." Now they explain to the youth the meaning that they laid in the rituals, and they themselves celebrate not only Morning (Morning), but also Evening (Evening) near the village of Varvara.
There are always a lot of tourists from all over the world on Dzhulaya, some of them strive to get here every year. After all, this night is unforgettable. What can I say - the Uriah Heep group itself came to the celebration several times. By the way, Dzhulaya is an exclusive of Bulgarian hippies. There are no such holidays anywhere else in Europe.