Oh, how good hot, fragrant, strongly brewed tea is on a cold winter evening! A thin smoke rises from the cup, pleasant warmth spreads through the body, and all problems and worries disappear somewhere as the wonderful drink ends. And in summer, when a pleasant company gathers in an old gazebo at the dacha, Chinese green refreshing tea comes in handy. Tea drinking is a whole art. But it is pleasant and interesting for him to study.

Step 1
Tea drinking in Russian
Invite good friends and family for tea. Soul company, unhurried conversations and satisfied smiles - these are the main components of Russian tea drinking. Spread a beautiful tablecloth on a large round table and brew pure black tea in a porcelain teapot. The tea should be very strong. A little tea leaves are poured into the mug, and then it is diluted with boiling water from a teapot or thermos. Place as many snacks on the table as possible. Fish or meat pies, sweet pastries, sweets, honey, jam - everything will be appropriate on the table. Tea drinking in Russian assumes that no one leaves the table hungry.
Step 2
Chinese tea drinking
Purchase specialty teapots. You will need tall ceramic mugs with lids - gaiwani, small cups, a special tray and a ceramic teapot with an open top - a bowl of justice. Pour boiling water over all the dishes. Then put the tea leaves in the gaiwan and fill it with hot water, 90 ° C. After a minute, drain the water into the tray. The tea leaves will open and prepare for the release of aroma and taste. Re-pour hot water into the gaiwan, let it brew for 1-2 minutes and pour the tea into the bowl of justice. But now you can slowly pour the fragrant drink into small cups and offer to guests. You can brew real green tea several more times. Sugar, honey and cookies at the Chinese tea party will be superfluous. Let your guests enjoy the delicate taste of the tea and its delicate aroma.
Step 3
British tea
Prepare a table in the largest and most beautiful room, but by no means in the kitchen. For English tea drinking, details are extremely important. The tablecloth should be solid, preferably white. All dishes should be from one porcelain service, white or white and blue. In addition to tea pairs and a teapot with tea, there must be a jug of milk, a jug of boiling water, dessert plates, teaspoons, knives and forks for dessert, sweet tea snacks and napkins. Don't forget to put a vase of flowers on the table. Tea is brewed on the assumption that it will not be diluted with boiling water in cups later. After the tea is poured into cups, boiling water from a jug is immediately added to the teapot for repeated tea drinking. After all the conventions are met, you can gently sip hot tea, take gingerbread cookies melting in your mouth and feel like a real English aristocrat.