Tatars are an ancient people who keep their traditions. Observing custom, every Thursday and Saturday men go to the mosque for prayer. Mullah teaches how to pray correctly so that the Tatars can further pass on this knowledge to their children.

The people who live in the countryside are more religious than the townspeople. It is thanks to these residents that the customs and holidays that have become a national treasure are preserved. Such holidays are still being held.
The main Tatar holiday
Sabantuy is the most favorite holiday of the Tatars. Celebrate it widely and en masse. Its roots go back to antiquity to the pagans. At that time, people were convinced that in order to get a good harvest, they must gratify and ask for land.
For this, at the beginning of spring, porridge was cooked in the fields and buried in the ground. Eggs and grain were also sent there. The land was supposed to warm up and generously endow the Tatars with a harvest.
The holiday has survived and is being held now, but in the summer. Preparation for it begins in the fall. Girls prepare outfits with their own hands in order to demonstrate them to people who came to the holiday. Young men show strength and dexterity during the competition on horses, without which no Sabantuy passes.
Since 2003, UNESCO has included this holiday in the list of cultural heritage and it is recognized as a state holiday of the Tatars. It is celebrated not only in Tatarstan, but in all places where the Tatar diaspora lives. Tatars are very cordial and hospitable people, so they do not celebrate themselves. The entire population joins them, regardless of nationality.
Holidays of the diggers
The most important holidays among the Tatars are associated with work on the ground. One of them is Sambele. It symbolizes the end of agricultural work in the fall. People were happy about the upcoming rest until spring.
Young people were looking forward to autumn also because it was time for weddings. It was on this holiday that couples were selected for married life during dances and songs. Nowadays, in a solemn atmosphere, agricultural workers are awarded who have distinguished themselves and achieved a good harvest.
The holiday is always accompanied by concerts with ethnic moods. Thanks to the Sambele holiday, young people are instilled with a love for work on earth and maintain a bond between generations.
Another Tatar holiday of farmers is Navruz Bayram. Its celebration is associated with the day of the spring solstice. It marks the beginning of the solar year, the awakening of the earth and the imminent start of the sowing season. This is a common holiday for which the whole family is preparing with pleasure. Many different rituals take place on the days of this holiday. But the veneration and respect of the older generation is always preserved.