The Tatars are characterized by traditional matchmaking weddings. Close relatives of the groom, in some cases, with the help of a professional matchmaker, make an offer to the bride's parents and negotiate with them the conditions of the wedding: the timing of the future celebration, the size of the kalym, etc.

The girl's parents, as a rule, do not refuse a decent, worthy person from a good family who asks for the hand of their daughter. After obtaining consent, further engagement of the future newlyweds and a conspiracy follows. Often these two events are combined into a common ritual, when both parties exchange offerings, followed by a feast with close relatives.
The main wedding ritual takes place after the purchase of the kalym in the bride's house. The Tatras are Muslims, and the wedding is carried out according to the Muslim rite called "nikah", which is accompanied by a festive dinner. Previously, the groom was forbidden to be alone with his bride before nikah.
At least five people participate in the wedding ritual: the mullah, the one who reads the nikah, two witnesses, both of which are certainly male, and the father or a close relative of the groom.
The Tatars adhere to their traditions: a prerequisite for a wedding should be the unified faith of the bride and groom - Islam. The clothes on them during the wedding must necessarily correspond to Muslim customs, the decoration of the bride completely covers the body, on the head there is a wedding headdress. The bride and groom are seated at the head of the festive table. On the side of the bride are the groom's parents and the witness, and next to the groom are the bride's parents and the second witness. After all the guests have gathered for the celebration, the owner of the house invites everyone to the table. On the right side of the table, the groom's relatives are seated, and on the left - the bride. The main person at the Tatar wedding is the toastmaster, on whom the mood of those present at the wedding depends.
Traditional cold snacks, vegetable dishes, fruits are put on the wedding table, two geese, pilaf, meat with onions and carrots are always served. However, the most important festive dish is considered to be chak-chak, which is decorated with sweets. Be sure to have different compotes on the festive table, and at the very end, guests are served tea.
Previously, the wedding festivities after the nikah lasted for several days, and only after its completion the groom could visit the bride for the first time. The husband stays in the wife's house for four days, making offerings to her relatives many times. The reciprocal gifts of the newlywed consist of her own handicrafts. The final stage of the traditional Tatar wedding is the transfer of the wife to the spouse's house, and the subsequent feast with the groom's relatives. In the new house, the bride is greeted, strictly observing all the customs that should ensure the prosperity and prosperity of the young family: a fur coat turned inside out is laid under the feet, treated with fresh bread and honey, dipped hands in flour, be sure to give some kind of livestock.