When you think about a vacation, you want to throw boring office skirts and blouses onto the farthest shelf of your closet and pack a suitcase full of colored slates, bright swimsuits and frivolous sundresses. To make your beach vacation unforgettable and leave only joyful moments in your memory, do not forget a few simple rules.

Step 1
Consider your choice of beach carefully. If you want exotic, unusual cuisine and the sea, as in an advertisement for a famous chocolate bar, buy a ticket to foreign resorts. Keep in mind that in the same popular winter Thailand or the Philippines, the rainy season comes in summer, and Egypt is incredibly hot. But in Greece, Montenegro or Cyprus, the golden time for relaxation is coming.
Step 2
Go to your native and well-studied Black Sea or seaside beaches, if you are afraid to go abroad, you are wary of unfamiliar cuisine and you feel uncomfortable in the company of people speaking an incomprehensible language. Why spoil your long-awaited vacation? After all, on Russian beaches you can find clear sea, beautiful places and good service.
Step 3
Do not go to the beach for a full day immediately after arriving at the sea. Understandably your desire to tan as quickly as possible and return to your hometown blacker than Tyra Banks. But after a few hours under the scorching southern sun, you will look more like a boiled crawfish than a top model. Sunbathe gradually and remember to wear sun protection.
Step 4
Forget about make-up. Even the highest quality mascara may not withstand exposure to sunlight and sea water and leak. And powder and foundation in the heat clog pores, which causes skin irritation. If you feel uncomfortable without makeup at all, do permanent makeup before vacation.
Step 5
Drink plenty of fluids on the beach, because you can completely dehydrate the body under the scorching sun. But it is better to refuse alcohol. You will still have time to drink a glass of cold cocktail or fragrant southern wine at the evening disco.
Step 6
Spend time on the beach actively: swim, jump off the pier, play beach volleyball, stroll along the shore. Firstly, the tan lays down more evenly in motion. And secondly, after spending several hours in the sun without moving, you will get tired more than a twenty-minute run on the sea sand. Yes, and gaining extra pounds while on vacation is completely useless.