How To Celebrate April 1 In The Family

How To Celebrate April 1 In The Family
How To Celebrate April 1 In The Family

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April 1 is a holiday of fun, jokes and practical jokes. Try to get as much pleasure from him as possible. It is better to start preparing the holiday in advance. To do this, you need imagination and ingenuity, as well as a great desire to cheer yourself and your loved ones.

How to celebrate April 1 in the family
How to celebrate April 1 in the family

It is necessary

Tube of toothpaste, syringe, smaller slippers, paraffin fruit, rubber dishes, baseball bat


Step 1

Start celebrating April Fool's Day in the morning. Your household may become the first object of pranks. Having woken up before everyone else, change the slippers to exactly the same, but smaller, put the clothes of the children on the parents and vice versa, and hide one sock from each pair. The dressing process will immediately turn into an exciting game. In the bathroom, squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube and use a syringe to pump mayonnaise in its place. Your whole family will immediately tune in to the holiday and will be determined to play you back.

Step 2

If you invite your family to lunch at a cafe, then that can be a good reason to have fun. Pay the bill in advance and make sure no one has taken the money with them. After lunch, suddenly inform that you forgot to take a wallet from the house and invite everyone to run away without paying the bills.

Step 3

It is very fun to meet the first of April at home, if relatives come to visit you. It is convenient to prepare funny surprises and pranks for relatives in your apartment. Set the table for the holiday: instead of a tablecloth, cover the table with newspapers, cover the chairs with capes, and put small pillows under them that make a loud sound when they sit on them. Don't forget the treat. Next to the edible dishes, place the fake ones on the table: a vase of paraffin fruit, a rubber fried chicken, and a pie made of clay with real icing. Normal food can also be a surprise: a rubber cockroach in a pie or a five-ruble coin baked in pasties will spice up your dinner.

Step 4

Prepare a comic gift for each of the guests, providing them with funny signatures or poems. For example, your beloved wife will like an unusual bouquet. It will be played by a baseball bat wrapped in opaque brown paper. Inside, you can leave a guide to action: "Designed to meet a drunk husband after work."

Step 5

Ask each of the family members to prepare several comic contests for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, sum up and present the prize for the most successful drawing.
