Despite the fact that the history of Halloween dates back to ancient Celtic traditions, in Russia it began to be celebrated relatively recently. This fun holiday can be celebrated in a club, in a cafe, in a country house or in a city apartment. There are people who like to celebrate Haldouin in the forest. In any case, you need to prepare well for the holiday.

Decide where you will celebrate Halloween. If you prefer a café, make sure to book your seats in advance. On the night of October 31 to November 1, there may not be vacancies, because this holiday is becoming more and more popular. By the way, many clubs hold theme parties at this time. The organizers take care of the design and the program, so you just have to think about the costume.
If you are going to celebrate Halloween in the country or at home, you will have to prepare the decoration yourself. One of the main elements that needs to be taken care of ahead of time is the pumpkin. In shops selling handicrafts, you can find a pumpkin dried up according to all the rules and even with eyes cut out. But you shouldn't hope that at the right time you will come across such a souvenir. Pumpkin has been dried for almost a year, so in the fall in the market, choose a suitable lagenaria (preferably several), put it in a dark, ventilated room, turn it periodically - and by next Halloween you can make a head out of it by cutting out the eyes, nose and mouth.
However, if this year you do not have a pumpkin, you should not despair. The design may be different. The main thing is that there are many different "terrible" items. Paper-cut skeletons can be hung on the walls. A skull made of papier-mâché, bones, etc. will also work. You can make a large spider web from a black cord and hang it from the ceiling. Vampire masks and devils' heads, chains, bloody daggers, a couple of coffins glued to the walls will complement the interior. A black tablecloth on the table will look stylish. Take care of serving. Real silverware is unlikely to be found on hand, but you can find cheap antique-style cutlery in stores. You can find knives and forks with old coats of arms - here they will be just right.
Think about what you will cook. On Halloween, it is customary to cook different pumpkin dishes. Cookies, pancakes, casseroles - there are many options. The meat can be fried or stewed in red wine. However, the menu can be anything. It is important to arrange the dishes in the appropriate style. For example, pies in the shape of bones or skulls will come in handy. As for alcohol, you can make mulled wine or make grog.
Take care of the costumes. On Halloween, you can dress up as a devil and a witch, a vampire, the king of the afterlife, an oath-breaking knight, a queen, a minstrel. Whether to wear a mask depends on the conditions. If you are going to celebrate All Saints' Day in a club where there is a carnival and there will be a lot of people, it is better to make a mask. In a narrow circle, you can do without it. However, a complex costume is not required at all, unless you intend to conduct a competition. The main thing is to tune in the right way.