March 8 In Kindergarten

March 8 In Kindergarten
March 8 In Kindergarten

The first spring holiday is associated with flowers and smiles. Children from childhood should be introduced to this celebration. How to spend March 8 for children in the garden so that it would be interesting for both kids and parents?

March 8 in kindergarten
March 8 in kindergarten

First of all, you need to think over the scenario for March 8 for the children's matinee. Let there be two or three leading educators dressed up in costumes. You can choose almost any image - it can be costumes of flowers or brightly embroidered dresses, which will be worn by three sisters, personifying the spring months.

The presenters go on stage and tell why everyone gathered in the hall. It is worth telling a little about how this holiday came, mentioning Clara Zetkin. At the end of this scene, you need to stage the kidnapping of one of the hosts. The kidnapper can be a gray wolf, Serpent Gorynych or Koschey. To save her, children need to pass special tests of memory, speed and ability to move.

The first test is a rhyme competition. Children should recite poems about spring or a holiday by heart. After a successful performance, you can encourage the kids and give them a piece of candy. If there are many children in the group, then you can divide them into two parts - the first group participates in the first test, and the second in the third.

The next test is a speed marathon in plasticine sculpting. Children are given material from which they need to blind the kidnapper for a certain period of time, for example, in 3 minutes. Plasticine, if desired, can be replaced with felt-tip pens, let the children draw! It is advisable to involve each child in the group in this activity.

The third test is everyone's favorite dances. Parents love to watch how their child funny moves to the beat of the music, and the children themselves just love to spin in a dance. Of course, the kid will cope with this test perfectly well.

The evil kidnapper will be moved, admit his mistake and return the missing presenter to the kids and their parents. Kids need to be taught kindness and compassion, so the script should involve forgiveness and condescension to the gray wolf or Gorynych. Children should invite him to their place, lead a round dance.

At the end of the matinee, you can give the children gifts - packages with sweets and fruits, and give the parents crafts that their children made.

Human memory does not store childhood years in full, as a rule, we remember this age in snatches, in parts. Let these bright moments, in the memory of your baby, be enough!
