Older people still found the time when February 23 was the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, and not just a holiday for all men. Therefore, when congratulating grandfather, you need to take into account the importance of this day for him.

Step 1
Prepare a holiday scrapbook for your grandfather. Use photographs, wartime newspaper clippings, letters. You can make an album yourself or order its production from scrapbooking masters. Such a gift will be better than a postcard, it will bring a lot of positive emotions to your grandfather. Have a sedative on hand at hand in case he gets emotional.
Step 2
Think over what dishes you want to prepare for the festive table. Keep in mind that grandfather's stomach may not be able to handle heavy food, so it is better not to include smoked meats, delicacies and spicy foods on the menu. Prefer simple foods. If your grandfather took part in the Great Patriotic War, you can arrange a stylized field kitchen and cook buckwheat porridge with meat or stew. In this case, use metal utensils and aluminum utensils, although they are not very sophisticated, but this will create a suitable atmosphere. And do not forget about the fighting hundred grams, if the health of the grandfather allows.
Step 3
Invite your grandfather's friends to the celebration. In addition, you can contact the Council of Veterans of your city and through it invite other participants in hostilities during the Great Patriotic War to visit. Even if your grandfather is not familiar with them, they will find common topics of conversation. In addition, this organization will provide you with information about concerts and performances timed to coincide with the celebration of February 23, and you can take your grandfather to a gala event.
Step 4
Order a stylized medal or order with the inscription "To the very best grandfather" from an organization engaged in the production of souvenirs. Hand it over at the festive table when all your loved ones are gathered. If you do not want to resort to the services of third-party organizations, you can sculpt a souvenir with your own hands from a special mass or salt dough and paint it.