February 23 - Day of defenders of the Fatherland, present and future, and not only men, but also women related to military service. This holiday has a history that has changed over time.

Step 1
The birthday of the Red Army and Navy is 1918. The new armed forces of Russia, consisting of representatives of workers and peasants, were organized to fight the German Empire. All those wishing to defend the Fatherland from the enemy were admitted to the ranks of the newly created army.
Step 2
As it was believed for a long time, the indestructible glory of the Soviet army begins in February 1918, although at that time it won no victories. But the new Russian people should not have seen negative examples, so some historical facts related to the military successes of that period were subsequently kept silent, and the events were spoken of as a glorious victory over Kaiser's Germany.
Step 3
The army created after the revolution during the confrontation with the German troops felt the need for food and clothing. In 1918 - 1919 residents of the nascent Soviet state collected parcels with the necessary things to the participants in hostilities. The first holiday after the revolution in Russia began to be called the Day of the Red Gift. A year later, the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army was timed to the day of the celebration of the Red Gift. The holiday date coincided with a working day, so the holiday was postponed to the next weekend, which fell on February 23rd. Thus, a holiday for representatives of the male population appeared in our country.
Step 4
In 1920-1921, very difficult for the new country. the holiday was forgotten, and it was not celebrated. But on February 23, 1922, a military parade took place on the Red Square of the capital, which marked the beginning of the emergence in our country of the annual tradition of celebrating this holiday, which has now become known as the Day of the Red Army and Navy.
Step 5
On the twentieth anniversary of the Soviet army, a jubilee medal appeared, the holiday began to be celebrated with special triumph.
Step 6
During the Great Patriotic War, the population of the country felt special love and attention for this day. The whole people celebrated the holiday: as far as possible, people honored the defenders of the Motherland, relatives and friends sent congratulations to the active army with the hope of an early return home of their dear soldiers and the end of the war. And the fighting army celebrated this date with glorious victories over the enemy: in 1943 it defeated the Nazis at Stalingrad, in 1944 crossed the Dnieper River, and in 1945, after the liberation of their native land from the Nazi invaders, the valiant Red Army brought peace to the inhabitants of Europe.
Step 7
The official name - the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy - received the holiday a year after the war. This day was celebrated very solemnly: military parades were held, awards were given to orders and medals of veterans, festive fireworks flew into the sky.
Step 8
Initially, the holiday was related to people closely associated with the army service, but soon became widespread. February 23 has become a holiday for all men, and not only those who are in the service, protecting the peaceful life of people. This day is marked by solemn honoring of distinguished soldiers and officers, veterans. In many families, relatives rush to congratulate their dear men, give them gifts. Work collectives do not forget about the representatives of the stronger sex.
Step 9
In 1995, the short name "Defender of the Fatherland Day" was supplemented by a long official name of a specific historical event, and the holiday began to be considered one of the days of Russian military glory. Since 2006, February 23 for the Russian population is a holiday of real men who can protect their loved ones and the Fatherland at any time.