On International Women's Day - March 8 - all, without exception, the fair sex, even girls, want more attention to themselves. Arrange an interesting holiday for the children on this day, and in order to arrange it, you need to come up with and think over scenarios for March 8th.

It is necessary
- - flowers;
- - Balloons;
- - small souvenirs;
- - decorations for decorating a classroom or hall;
- - costumes of knights of children's sizes.
Step 1
First you need to choose a venue for the holiday. If you decide to hold it in a school class or assembly hall, take care of decorating the room in advance.
Step 2
Decorate the classroom / hall with garlands, flowers, arrange an exhibition of girls' crafts. So you can favorably emphasize their thriftiness, accuracy, creativity.
Step 3
Buy and inflate magic balloons, if you wish, write congratulatory verses or just nice words on them. You can show originality and prepare notes with wishes, which need to be rolled up into tubes and put inside the balls. Then inflate the balloons and hold some kind of competition, where you use them. For example, you can offer young ladies to burst balls at speed without using their hands or dance a pair dance, holding the ball between partners again without using hands. And after that, the balls can burst or deflate and read aloud the wishes left on the notes.
Step 4
Design a colorful wall newspaper for the heroes of the occasion, glue photos of girls to a large sheet of Whatman paper, and let the boys write warm words and wishes for each of them or for all at once. It will not be superfluous to post on the wall newspaper an interesting article about the history of the origin of the holiday on March 8.
Step 5
Prepare treats in advance. Of course, you can buy ready-made meals or order a birthday cake. However, young beauties will be even more happy if everything is prepared by the hands of classmates and their parents and teachers. If you have dancing at your event, try or not to cook a lot of treats so that the children will not be a burden to dance, or arrange a banquet after the disco.
Step 6
Include competitions, poetry reading, singing songs and, of course, a disco in the concert program - children are madly in love with fun. You can arrange a contest for girls, in which they will be asked to peel potatoes at speed, sew on a button, and so on. Here is an even more original idea: to arrange a knightly tournament, after which the boys will take oaths of allegiance to their ladies, just like in the works of Cervantes. And, of course, take care of the costumes of the knights - arrange in advance with the theater, for example, about their rent. It also does not hurt to install suitable decorations in the style of the Middle Ages in the hall. Girls will really like this entourage.
Step 7
Then you can immediately announce the beginning of the ball, invite the young knights to invite their ladies to dance. In between dances, continue to hold contests, present the winners with souvenirs so that the atmosphere of fun does not leave the girls all day long.