New Year is a magical, unusual time when people want to believe in a miracle, joke and laugh, have fun and give joy to loved ones, receive gifts and congratulations. In order for the meeting of the holiday to be remembered for a long time, you should think in advance about how to spend New Year's Eve so that it leaves a vivid impression.

Step 1
When celebrating the New Year in a large company, arrange a themed party: it can be, for example, a 60s-style holiday, the Hollywood New Year, or the Brazilian carnival. Here it is important to carefully think over the scenario and design of the holiday so that everything, to the last detail, corresponds to the chosen theme. If you feel that it is unlikely that you will be able to organize such an evening on your own, you can contact one of the holiday agencies: many of them now provide such services. In this case, you do not even have to come up with suitable costumes yourself.
Step 2
Celebrating the New Year at the Christmas tree traditionally, with champagne and tangerines, is not a bad idea at all, especially if you are going to celebrate the holiday with your family. Make sure everyone has fun: organize, for example, a game, as a result of which, according to the "magic map" drawn by you and prompts laid out in advance in different places of the apartment, everyone will have to find their present. Children will enthusiastically take up the search, but adults will also be interested in taking part in them. Come up with an unusual menu: have New Year's dishes from different countries on your table on this holiday. Having tasted twelve overseas dishes on New Year's Eve, you can safely make any wish: it will certainly come true.
Step 3
Celebrating the New Year in the open air is also a great idea, especially if the weather permits. On New Year's Eve, a lot of people gather in the main squares of many big cities: everyone is having fun, dancing, exchanging congratulations. You can even not go anywhere or drive, but just go out into the yard: light sparklers, launch firecrackers into the sky, slide down a hill or arrange a flash mob, handing out New Year's masks to passers-by. It will also be interesting to organize a real, big round dance from friends and neighbors, because such an opportunity is unlikely to present in an apartment.
Step 4
If, due to some circumstances, you have to celebrate the holiday alone, do not be upset. In the end, devote this time to yourself: remember what was good in the past year, think about what you would like to achieve in the future. Conduct a kind of "magic" ceremony: light a scented candle or a smoking stick with your favorite scent and walk around the whole house with it in your hands, imagining how comfort, warmth and happiness fill it with a wonderful aroma.
Step 5
There is another curious trick recommended by psychologists: go outside and collect some snow, imagining that you fill your palms with what you lacked in the past year: love, health, luck, prosperity. At home, pour this snow into a previously prepared bath and take it, feeling how the "magic" water affects you and your destiny. Most importantly, believe: in the new year everything will turn out as well as possible! Good luck will surely "love" you, and all your plans will certainly come true, and desires will come true.