The holiday is not like other days. The surrounding space is changing, and love does not behave as usual. In ancient times, great attention was paid to the holidays. All members of the community necessarily participated in them, and each had its own function. Modern man craves a miracle no less than his ancestors. Therefore, he also needs holidays.

Ancient holidays had several peculiarities. They gave a certain rhythm to human life. In pagan times, holidays were seasonal, they marked the beginning of sowing, the first pasture of cattle, harvesting and other important events. This made a profound sense. Failure to comply with the terms of agricultural work could cause sad consequences. If, for some reason, sowing did not start on time, this led to crop failure. Not having time to tie woolen socks or mittens to Yule, the person risked freezing. The holiday marked a change in the nature of work.
In the Christian tradition, the seasonal cycle has been preserved. Many rituals have survived, without which a holiday is not a holiday. Certain dishes were prepared, certain songs and dances were performed. While the majority of the population was rural, the tradition of celebrating holidays throughout the village continued. However, the holidays brought people together in cities. All the townspeople rode from the mountains, from the mayor to the poorest servant. At these moments, everyone felt that they belong to a particular culture. The tradition of collective holidays was also observed in Soviet times. Many people did not like participation in the May Day or October demonstrations, however, they also felt their community with the rest of the people. And this is one of the main tasks of the holiday, especially the state one.
Holidays, especially fancy dress ones, make people feel equal. No wonder that carnivals are very popular in many countries. A masked person can enter into a conversation or dance without caring at all about who is hidden under another mask. It often happens that people belonging to different classes seem to change roles. In the old days, a noble nobleman during Christmas time could change into a footman or coachman and go for a walk in places where he would not have dared to look on other days. The maid disguised herself as a princess and went to the ball. And such transformations have brought and continue to bring joy to everyone.
The holiday gives everyone the opportunity to show their creativity. An unremarkable person can cook an exquisite dish, make fantastic decorations or come up with the most original costume. He can express himself in creativity, taking part in a home concert or performance.
A home or personal holiday can bring a family together. Everyone is busy with a common cause, everyone is thinking what dishes to cook, what costumes to wear and how to please their beloved grandmother on the day of her anniversary or a graduate who has just received a certificate. The desire to do something pleasant for a loved one makes us look closely at each other, take into account the desires of both the hero of the occasion and his guests. The search for gifts, the desire to make a delicious cake, the development of the script are pleasant in themselves, and give each participant a sense of their need, as well as belonging to the family.
A holiday is something that will be remembered for many years. If you want your children, as adults, to remember their father's house more often and how good it was in it, arrange celebrations for them, big and small. There is always a reason. Human memory is designed in such a way that it preserves the brightest moments in the first place.
Despite the fact that holidays play a rather large role in our life, not everyone loves them. Some consider them overwhelming. But the holiday was created primarily so that people could feel free and liberated. It is needed to give every person the opportunity to change the type of activity at least for a while. A change of occupation at all times was the best rest.