April 1 is traditionally considered a day of laughter. On this day, it is customary to prank acquaintances, relatives, friends and colleagues. Therefore, you need to simultaneously take part in the fun and be on the lookout so as not to buy yourself into the next draw.

Step 1
Think about what kind of sweepstakes can be organized in your team. Depending on the type of people around you, you can come up with certain appropriate jokes. At the same time, remember that you should not play too touchy and vulnerable people, so as not to upset them and spoil relations with such members of your team. As objects of fun, choose people who can adequately assess your joke and laugh with you. Show your imagination and use additional external sources, for example, books, magazines, Internet sites, TV shows.
Step 2
Keep in mind that the joke should be funny, not angry and cruel. Also, do not take on jokes, as a result of which other people's property or the feelings of others may suffer. In this case, all participants in this joke will have an unpleasant aftertaste.
Step 3
Discard the banal, "bearded" options for how you can play a person. You need to come up with something new, original and funny. Do not use jokes about a white back and an untied lace. In this case, not only will it not be fun, but people around you may begin to consider you a dimwitted person.
Step 4
Make the necessary preparations. Take care of the necessary props in advance. If you need an assistant, bring a reliable person with a sense of humor up to date. Discuss the details of the draw with him. You can arrange a real flash mob if you manage to organize more people to participate in the drawing.
Step 5
Take a time for a joke. It is better to stop at the beginning of the working day. At this time, it is most likely that your victim will be unprepared for the prank, and as the day progresses, the vigilance of colleagues will increase. Make sure that the subject of the joke is relaxed and unaware at the right moment, and act.