Everyone has financial troubles, it is a pity that the wallet does not understand the existence of the New Year and the responsibility to children in terms of gifts. You cannot tell the kid that there will not be a holiday and miracles on New Year's Eve only because of a lack of finance. You need to arrange a small holiday, as well as fulfill the child's desire. But how to buy a gift so that the baby is happy and not be left in the red?

Step 1
Each child on the eve of the New Year tells his mother what he would like to ask Santa Claus. But there are situations when a child wants an expensive gift, and parents cannot spend such funds on a toy. And, if the older children can be told that the gifts this year will be modest, the younger ones believe in a miracle and that there are no barriers to Grandfather Frost.
Step 2
If a child asks for a lot of gifts, then it is worth telling that we have only one Santa Claus, and there are many children. He needs to prepare (just prepare, not buy or make) gifts for everyone. He himself reads children's letters and lovingly chooses the desired toy for everyone. And if Santa Claus brings him many gifts, then some of the children will not see anything under the tree.
Step 3
If a child asks for an expensive and "adult" gift, for example, a phone or a tablet, then it is worth telling the child that Santa Claus divides toys by age. And this gift that your child wants is in no way suitable for him. Tell this with a feeling of great regret and invite the child to choose another toy, and try to ask for this one for another holiday, becoming more adult. This also includes the category of toys under the sign "dangerous" - crackers, firecrackers, electric toys.
Step 4
If you have a married couple with children who stay overnight, then arrange gifts before the holidays. So that it doesn't turn out that you hid one gift for your child under the tree, and they - several. This is cruel to children, because they do not understand why Santa Claus brought more to Sasha than to him. Tell your friends to bring with you as much as you give your children, and leave the rest under the tree at home.
Step 5
You can lead the child to the idea of a certain toy. This is necessary if your gift has already been bought for a long time and there is simply no money for a new one. Show the "desired" gift more often, play reminding about it, regret that he does not have this toy yet. And then invite your child to write a letter to Santa Claus with a request to give exactly what you were leading to. After writing the letter, the child will no longer be able to change his mind.
Step 6
This, of course, is somewhat harsh advice, but sometimes the situation does not allow you to do otherwise. Your conscience will not allow you to leave the child completely without a New Year's miracle. Therefore, we wish you that these tips are never applied, and your children get only what they themselves want.