If you haven't bought the main attribute of the New Year yet, it's time to do it using 5 simple tips!

- Decide on the size. It will depend on how much space you are willing to take under the tree. If the size of the room allows, and you want to place it in the center of the room, feel free to choose a luxurious tree up to 2.5 m! Well, for a small room, a height of about 150 cm would be ideal. In any case, remember that you need to put the forest beauty away from air conditioners and heating appliances!
- What should be the look of an ideal Christmas tree? Let's start with the trunk. Let's say you settled on a small, one and a half meter Christmas tree, then the diameter of the trunk should be about 6 cm. In addition, the trunk should be smooth, there should be no suspicious growths and mold on it. Otherwise, know that the tree is sick and will not stand for a long time! The average weight of a healthy fluffy Christmas tree of a given height is 6 kg on average. In addition, you should check whether needles are falling off the tree: for this, the trunk should be lightly hit on the ground, like a staff. If at the same time everything around is strewn with needles, give preference to another instance.
- The smell of the New Year. Another little check to help determine when the tree was felled: take a couple of needles and rub them. If the tree is fresh, you will immediately feel the bright smell of the needles, and an oil trail will remain on the palm of your hand.
- … and one more freshness check! Bend one of the paws of the tree slightly - it shouldn't break! If this happens, then the tree, unfortunately, is dry.
- How to buy cheaper? If you don't want to overpay, then buy the Christmas tree directly on December 31st. Traders need to sell their goods as quickly as possible, so prices will plummet. And it will look much better on New Year's Eve than one bought a couple of weeks before the holiday.