New Year is just around the corner. Many begin to prepare for it in advance: they think over the festive menu, choose decorations for the house, outfits. Of course, many choose all this, given what the symbol of the coming year will be. For example, the Earth Yellow Dog will become the owner of 2018. The fire element gave way to the earth, now the outfits should be chosen a little differently.

So what should be the color scheme? Your outfit should consist of two main colors + an auxiliary shade. You can mix more colors, but avoid bad taste. One should always remember about the measure. The outfit can even be monochromatic - this option would be even preferable.
From the colors it is better to choose sand, yellow, olive, coffee, brown. Khaki, ocher, gold are also suitable. But milk, champagne, cream, snow-white - the colors for the New Year 2018 are beautiful, but for the Dog they are neutral. You can include them in the outfit, but you should not make the main ones.
Remember that whatever color you choose, it should be muted, soft, pastel. The coming year should be greeted in a restrained outfit, there is no place for vulgarity. So try to avoid deep cleavage, cut-inducing, sheer fabrics. The dog will obviously not appreciate this. The symbol of 2018 prefers chastity and restraint - this should be taken into account when choosing an outfit.
By the way, the outfit can be decorated with fur elements. Fur stripes can be present on the collar, cuffs, hem. From fur accessories you can choose gloves, muff, cape.
Do not choose uncomfortable shoes - why do you need tall stilettos? Remember, comfort is very important to the Dog. The heel can be present on the shoe, but let it be stable, small. If you celebrate a holiday at home in a narrow circle of loved ones, then you can do without shoes at all - only if for a photo.
But do not assume that beautiful things are not worth choosing. The dog loves beautiful things, but at the same time they should be distinguished by grace, sophistication, sophistication. The outfit can be spicy, but not vulgar and frank - it should have its own flavor!
Choose modest jewelry too. Set aside the diamonds for other events. The dog will not like the pomp and the abundance of glitter. Nowadays, it is easy to buy fine jewelry that will perfectly match your chosen outfit. But if you have family decorations, then they should be worn on the upcoming New Year's Eve!
Think ahead of your New Year's outfit to please the 2018 Yellow Patroness! Then the coming year will be remembered by you only as happy, bright moments.