Rewarding employees is a kind of "perpetual motion machine". It stimulates both the person being encouraged and his colleagues. Therefore, it is very important to beautifully furnish the awards ceremony.

Step 1
Prizes are awarded in a solemn atmosphere, at a general meeting, with the obligatory preliminary issuance of an order. Only under the condition of public recognition of the achievements of employees - the award has feedback and becomes a real incentive to improve labor results for all members of the team.
Step 2
Some companies institute special awards that become traditional and are awarded once a year to the best employees.
Step 3
If possible, contact a trusted agency for organizing corporate events and ceremonies. The awarding of awards to the best employees can be timed to coincide with any celebration. This will be an opportunity for everyone to get together and get to know each other better in informal communication.
Step 4
The employees themselves can prepare such a holiday. Coming up with contests and costumes (if a corporate celebration is declared as a costume ball or a theatrical performance). There may be more nominees for the award, then everyone will look forward to the celebration at which the names of the winners will be announced.
Step 5
For the presentation of a corporate award, you can rent a restaurant, a motor ship, or arrange a collective trip to a domestic or foreign resort.
Step 6
Invite professional artists and showmen to conduct the ceremony, who will help create a festive atmosphere. In this case, the presentation of the awards will certainly be remembered by the company's staff for a long time.
Step 7
There can be many awards: not only the main one, but also comic, purely encouraging. To do this, you should contact the manufacturers of souvenir products. They will prepare commemorative diplomas and prizes for the winners.
Step 8
Remember: as a rule, the winners are those companies that reward their employees with bonuses, valuable gifts and prizes, trips abroad or the usual awards and certificates. It has long been known that work incentives are the most important driver of high productivity.