This year of the Rabbit according to the Eastern calendar will be replaced by the Year of the Dragon. Astrologers urge to give more love to people, and it will doubly return to you. They propose to meet the year in a home circle, but not to sit bored all night at the table, but to dance more, arrange various games and competitions. They also give advice on how to dress for the New Year.

Step 1
According to astrologers, it is imperative to meet the coming year in black with the addition of gold. These are the two primary colors that the Dragon will favor. To do this, you need to think over your wardrobe in advance.
Step 2
When choosing a new outfit, consider carefully the combination of these colors. Here it is necessary not only to look dressed according to all the rules on New Year's Eve, but also to think about where you can then put on this costume. After all, if there is too much gold in it, then it will often be simply indecent to wear it, this color is very noticeable.
Step 3
Take a little black dress that never goes out of style and match it with shiny accessories: a clutch bag, scarf or cape with shiny gold threads. In the future, changing the add-ons, you will be able to wear it to various parties more than once.
Step 4
If you fundamentally do not wear black clothes, buy another outfit you like. Choose your favorite color. The main thing is that it contains at least one strip of black and gold.
Step 5
Are you planning on buying a party dress this year? Nothing wrong. Dig in the closet and pick up some original kit for yourself. Just don't be afraid of fresh solutions. Try to connect the things that you thought were incompatible. Look at the result. You like? Add a touch: maybe a scarf or a large flower - and you are fully armed.
Step 6
If the golden hue in your costume is completely absent, then take jewelry: chains, bracelets, earrings made of natural gold or jewelry to match its color.
Step 7
Be sure to think about your shoes. These should be high-heeled shoes. But choose them correctly so that you do not sit down sadly after the first dance, as it turned out that they press you. Try wearing them at home for a few evenings before the holiday so that they take the shape of your leg.
Step 8
Your radiant smile will be a wonderful addition to your clothes on New Year's Eve. Take with you a good mood, sparkling humor, friendliness to others - you will look great. And perhaps you will be able to grab your "bird of luck" on this New Year's Eve.