In the bright and joyful moments of the holiday, when we need to congratulate our friends on some pleasant event, it is very difficult to do it brightly and in an original way. Show your imagination, and your friends will be satisfied with this unusual holiday. Here are some helpful tips and options for creative greetings.

Step 1
Make sure that the greeting suits the particular birthday person. The child will like what is unlikely to please the grandfather, women and men should also be congratulated in different ways. Congratulate your child as brightly as possible, you can play a beautiful fairy tale, tell that the presented bright toy has magical power and makes wishes come true.
Step 2
Emphasize some individual trait of the birthday person, his personal, personal quality, which is especially pleasant to note. If your friend has an inexhaustible supply of humor and energy, arrange a funny prank, for example, in the form of a performance. It is especially interesting if several people participate in such a show at once.
Step 3
Do not go beyond the bounds of decency. A gentle, quivering girl will not at all be pleasantly fluffy, cheerful congratulations, for her the main thing will be a manifestation of tenderness and attention. Romantic surprises, unusual flowers will do.
Step 4
Every person dreams of fulfilling his cherished dream. Therefore, if you want to make a pleasant congratulation, at least bring the person a little closer to the realization of this dream. If your friend, for example, dreamed of buying a car, give him a beautiful model of a car. Thoughts are material, and perhaps even such a cute gift will bring a person closer to achieving his goal.
Step 5
To your beloved man with the help of congratulations, demonstrate your feelings. Everything in your words should breathe warmth and care. You can't think that guys are "thick-skinned" and words mean little to them. A simple but beautiful postcard, signed by the hand of your beloved girl, can turn out to be more expensive than any gifts. A loving heart should prompt words, and the form of their expression can be any.
Step 6
In general, the main purpose of congratulations is to make a person feel good. So trust your intuition. If a person is close and dear to you, she will not let you down and will allow you to choose the best option.