When the time for the holidays comes, the eternal question arises: "How to congratulate a friend?" If a person does not live close, it is best to do it over the Internet. There are several original and rather effective ways to do this.

Step 1
The easiest way is to send an electronic postcard. There are countless free and paid sites that offer a variety of ready-made postcards for any occasion. All that remains is to go to the site, choose a card dear to your heart and soul, write a congratulation and send it to your friend's e-mail. Many sites also provide a delayed delivery function. Therefore, if you are afraid that in the tumult of days, you may forget to congratulate someone, write right now and send. And the card will come on the right day.
Step 2
If you are bursting with the desire to do something with your own hands, then there is a chance to show your creativity and organizational skills. Send congratulations not only from yourself, but combine the love and respect of all your friends. Moreover, now it is not difficult at all. It is enough just to go to a friend's page in one of the social networks, and all the data will immediately appear. Write to other contacts and invite them to group and arrange something.
Step 3
There are many options, for example, distribute the words "congratulations" among those who agreed, write your letter on a piece of paper and take a picture with it. Dump all the photos to someone with at least basic Photoshop knowledge. It will glue everything into one photo and can be sent. Surprise is guaranteed.
Step 4
You can use the same idea for audio and video. Say warm and kind words and combine all congratulations in a special computer program. This gift will be special if it is sent from friends on the Internet, whom the person only saw in the photo. Just imagine the joy of the one who received the surprise when he sees the animated avatars.
Step 5
You can edit a real video about the congratulated person and his friends. Such a gift will certainly take a lot of time, but it's worth it. First of all, pick up beautiful postcards and emotional aphorisms that express the whole gamut of feelings. After that, a beautiful melody. By the way, it is very important: bad music can ruin even the most wonderful film.
Step 6
The most important task is to collect photos of the congratulated person from the earliest to the last. After all, with the help of a few, you can tell about a whole life. Seek help from relatives and friends through social networks, and they, for sure, will help you. Load all the collected material into Movie Maker, and the gift is ready.
Step 7
The next step is to post the material on the Internet and show it to the addressee. This is also not difficult. It is enough to use the services of any video hosting and send a link to the posted video to all your friends. There is no need to be afraid that the video can be seen by the whole world. If you want, you can give access only to a select few. You can go to special sites that will host your masterpiece for a small fee, or even help create a special congratulatory page. And some can ensure that congratulations are in the TOP-3 or TOP-10 in search engines.